🦊 Silverpaw - 5* Holy / Yellow - Fox hero from Covenant Summon

But Astrid firing then is healing/buffing only Rosalind (and healing her only half usual because of the Fox passive)… and if lasting Greed works like Anubis Greed, Astrid isn’t reviving anyone.

“You don’t get to revive” sounds pretty significant to me all by itself (sure, you could bring a passive like Phenexa’s, but do you want to bring a hero that old to a Top of The World current fight?)

Sure, Rosalind can eventually cleanse herself with her MM… but if Silverpaw charges back up, with the right timing could prevent that by stealing the autosafecleanse MM after summoning but before cleanse.

(Heck, if Silverpaw Greeds Astrid, then Rosalind presumably can’t summon a MM to herself while Greed is up.)

More to the point, my reply was less “will Silverpaw win this fight” and more to your claim that teams don’t use healing much when… they kinda really do.

I don’t know about “not usable” insofar as

(1) any cleanser that depends on MM for cleanse might not get the chance, since Silverpaw can steal a cleansing MM that’s already on the board, or use Greed to keep heroes from summoning to anyone but themselves

(2) I would imagine any lasting ailment benefits more than most ailments by pairing it with a “ailments cannot be cleansed”-throwing hero.

Since he blocks Mega Minions, seems like Rosalind won’t be that big of an issue. If she goes first you steal hers, if she goes after, then no minion to cleanse.

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A lot of talk :parrot: for a hero no one here has pulled yet. Don’t be shy people lucky enough to get this sly :fox_face:. Show us your cards! :spades::diamonds::clubs::heart:

Quick questions for you all.

Say I field a team with two cleansers, e.g. Ariel and Rigard. If Silverpaw hits Ariel and then the next turn both Ariel and Rigard are charged.

If Ariel goes off first, it will cleanse her own greed and curse damage but will this cleanse the curse damage for the rest of the team? Assume Ariel’s healing will heal herself only?

If Rigard goes off first, I am under the impression that the effect will be the same. He will fix everything for Ariel but not rest of the team?

Can someone comment and clarify? Thanks.

That’s correct, it will only cleanse and heal themselves. The only case where this is not the case is for heroes with priority cleanse (e.g. Prof Lidenbrock) where it removes the greed first and so it will heal the entire team. However, I believe the curse still remains on the rest of the team since it can’t be cleansed while greed was active. It can be cleansed by passives through, such as the ones on the costume HotMs.

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It stops everything even the MM. And the fox is an excellent counter for Rosa as well. You can check my video

The problem with Rosa’s cleanse is that it is tied to the MM. Fox blocks MM and she can’t cleanse anything if it doesn’t spawn.
This guy is bad only against teams that work on brute force and Painted lady.

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You do not hit Rosa or Astrid with greed. Target some other card and then Rosa can’t spawn MM or cleanse and heal at 15% and Astrid can’t revive permanently and heal at 25%. The key is to keep the card with greed alive till the end and then smash it after the rest are dead.

Lady Locke must be crying in a corner somewhere.

AND to really drive the knife in, they made it a pirate, too. :sweat_smile:


Wait I’m confused, are you saying that if you hit a non-Rosalind team member with Greed then Rosalind’s megaminion doesnt spawn at all? I assumed the mega minion would be transferred to the person who had Greed – so for example if they have Rosalind and Sludgus and you hit Sludgus with Greed and then Rosalind goes off, then Sludgus would get the mega minion instead. Is that not how it works? In that case it would actually be a pretty strong Rosalind hard counter.

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Only the character hit with greed gets to heal, spawn minions, MM, get any buffs. So as long as that hero is alive, 4 heroes get bubkis and the greed hero just gets whatever they were going to get anyway. So generally you target a corner or back hero and the tank becomes pretty easy prey.
This also works on toon heroes, as long as you target non-toon (and be careful about targetting those that can withstand)


check my video in the prev post. You have all the scenarios. And no, MM can’t be transferred to allies. The greedy one just gets the heal. Nothing else.

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I pulled Silverpaw and I think he’s great when paired with my Von Rothbart and Eron or Salniss who quickly disable Bernadette before I finish the job with Silverpaw then a reaper hero.

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He’s going to be the best counter against garrison guards.

One more fight. Lot of minions makers. He shuts them down at some point and steals some as well. Even the insanity heal from my team was denied to the enemy.


Me too, and on the last paid pull i hit the jackpot. One of the very few times i didnt walk away with buyers regret.

And the next day his ascension requirements were met with a hand delivered gift from SG - otherwise would have had to wait on 3 more darts. Rare luck indeed.

Now i have him i still think he is super op but he will be super fun to play with.

Hope your luck turns if you try for him/her again


Congratulations on your fantastic luck @Homaclese! If anyone deserves a fun new hero, it’s you! I know you will make the most of him and I look forward to seeing the videos!


I pulled Silverpaw and so far he is great for certain battles, I have a question about his curse scaling. I already have his special skill maxed 8/8 but his curse damage dealt is still going up as I level him. What stat does the curse damage increase with?

the attack stat of the card will increase curse damage. At 4 80 his curse is 968 and when you max him to 90 25 it will end up around 1330 or more depending on the talent node you pick.


It also increases with troop attack bonuses (check the number it displays when you inspect the hero during a battle)

Itlll be around 1600-1700 fully maxxed with troops I would guess, someone else can confirm

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Actually his Curse and Lasting Greed is also nice combo. Lasting Greed means Curse is harder to remove and you can’t heal everyone until you do so.

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