Show me your line up in Emoji's

sabrina :smiley: the rest are all correct :smiley:

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sabrina she wll be replaces with rigard when hes maxed out

this was the best post i have seen so far thank you for this post


Itโ€™s as if they are these emojis without considering our heroes :laughing: Letโ€™s see if these work.

:leopard: :heart_eyes_cat: :bow_and_arrow: :ramen: :bikini:

Close! The first one is actually Greg, not lianna. I go between Joon and Drake so that was spot on. Middle was Boldtusk(still a 4 star there), but you got Athena and Sartana too!


:smiling_imp: :snowflake: :crown: :shark: :supervillain:


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Ishtak-Kelile-Cyprian-Li Xiu-Ulmer

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Unfortunately thereโ€™s not enough emojis to represent my defense team. Any one emoji thatโ€™s kinda close could be mistaken for a bunch of other heroes aswell.

However, I love this fun idea so I decided to represent my general farming/province running team using a series of emojis for each one. Each emoji hints at something about each that hero.

See if you can guess them all lol. I tried to make it easy as possible.

:fire:โ€” :woman_red_haired: :dagger: :pirate_flag:

:shamrock:โ€” :woman_curly_haired: :bow_and_arrow: :uk:

:sunny:โ€” :woman:t4: :dragon: :cn:

:skull:โ€” :woman_with_headscarf:t4: :mask: :crossed_swords:

:snowflake: โ€” :genie: :fish: :ocean: :fork_and_knife:


lol thanks, we were doing it a bit in our alliance and thought it was fun enough to share here

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Letโ€™s see:

Panther-Zim-Someone with a Bow-Drake-Sartana

Spot on! And the bow is Greg. Very nice!


Sartana, Alasie or Isa?, Justice?, Mok-ar, Wu Kong

Thanks! Alasie, Greg and Lianna are all about the same tankiness. It was going to be a tough guess.

:cloud_with_snow: :dancer: :princess: :mage: :deer:


Sartana - Isarnia - :crown: :beach_umbrella: - Mok-Arr - :lion: :girl:

Sartana, Isa, ??Tarlak??, Mok-Ar, Zimkitty

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It supposed to be the king :crown: of the sand empire :beach_umbrella: :laughing:

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Oh lol, duh. I saw the beach umbrella and my mind immediately went to oceans/lagoons lol

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:mage: - :smirk_cat: - :japanese_goblin: - :smiling_imp: - :rescue_worker_helmet:

Merlin - Panther - Kage - Hel - Rigard



Hehehe :wink:

Care to take a guess?.. :smirk: