Should I max Frigg or Heimdall

Hi Everyone;

I have seen similar disscusion, however I do have slightly different hero roster.

Only have 6 tonics and have both Heimdall and Frigg at 3*70 was wondering who to max next, for Heimdall I also have the emblems all the way, for Frigg will have to strip down Zocc or remain just with few talents. I am contemplating because I already have Garnet with 7 talents and Alberich with 13.

Currently my defence team is: Alfrike+7; Alberich+13;Garnet+7; Heimdall at 3*70; Ureus +18 which keeps me in the 2500 area with me barely raiding.

Was wondering if I replace Heimdall with Frigg or should I max Heimdall with 20 talents?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

P.S: If I don’t max Heimdall now all emblems will go to Mika who is on it’s way up- Mika and Garnet would be a good combo, or not so much?


I’ll max Frigg without hesitation.

When Frigg Dodge my special skill damage, I feel mad and almost throw my phone.

Because you already have decent healer Garnet & Elby, aggressive hero like Frigg help your whole roaster.


Another +1 for Frigg. She is great overall use specially on defense and including Titan team.


Frigg is the most feared hero right now - hence all the “Nerf Frigg” posts.


Choose Frigg and give her the Zocc’s emblems.
Zocc is fine enough at +0, and give emblems to stronger heroes to make them even stronger.


I’d max frigg if for no other reason that you already have a +13 Alberich.


I agree with @Kilted but also because you already have another super-healer in Garnet. Frigg will give you some heavy hitting power to go with Uraeus and Alfrike.


I would also do Frigg without much thought. If Heimdall were your one tank then this would be different, but he doesn’t beat out Garnet. Frigg’s the game’s #1 best flank, and Heimdall shines better as a tank.

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That’s great :slight_smile:

Thank you for the support; I’ll go with Frigg first.


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I have both maxed and full emblems. Both very good for different reasons. Neither is a bad choice.


Frigg +1…only since you have other healers in place and Garnet is one of the best ones in the game.

1 reviver should be enough for now so Frigg is the better option

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