Should I look for Wukong?


I’m a f2p player. I have just received my 4* blue hero by investing my gems and completed a rainbow 4* team, not fully leveled. I have several 3* heroes to fulfill my requierements in raids, maps, etc.

The question is about gems, titans and Wukong. I’m slowly harvesting again gem by gem and thinking about a new investment. Currently I’m thinking on 4* troops since I’m missing red and yellow. But I’m thinking also in trying to make Wukong appear and use him on titans.

Right now I have a 4/30 Chao and a 3/50 Melia as my yellow options. My alliance fights 3* titans (500k health) and I can do 25k on average, sometimes 35k, sometimes less than 20k. I think Melia and her critical chance special gives me some good gambling. When I’m lucky I can strike criticals with the stacked strong color and do great damage. But I’m thinking if Wukong can give me even more gambling and with some luck hit even harder than Melia (If I’m not feeling lucky or if it’s not necessary, I just switch to Chao for consistent damage).

Some data: I have 3 TC15, stronghold level 15, 3100 rainbow team power, enough AM for a theorical Wukong.

What do you think? Go for Wukong? Gather gems for something else?

Wu is amazing. Full stop. He’ll increase your competitive advantage in every facet. Pull during the Holy Legendary summons and-or use those Atlantis tokens and pray for Wu (and Wilbur).

Don’t waste gems on troops. Recruiting Heroes 2 will occasionally provide an Epic Troop Token. I’ve pulled all my 4* troops from there. Do not bother with 3* troop levelling it is a waste.


Gather gems but not for elemental summons.
Try for event/atlantis summons and do Epic trainings, then push to TC20 and do legendary trainings.


Don’t invest gems into troop especially if you are F2P. I am C2P and did just fine until I got my first 4* yellow 11 months in.

I would keep your gems for either Atlantis or events. Wu is available here too.

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Or try the patience game and have your trainingscentrums running to hopefully produce a Wu.
This way you can save your gems for summons that give chance on something else you need.
I have heard that putting bananas in front of your TC helps summon Wu, have never tried this myself and might be a mith but still worth a try.


Bananas work. For some reason, so do pancakes. Go figure!

Worth it to pull the titan prince, Wu.


Do not bother with 3* troop levelling it is a waste.

In the future weekly raid event, there could be restriction with only 3* troop as part of your defense and raiding team, keep ur 3*.


When you have a 4* troop in that color I agree with leave them be after. However, if you do not keep leveling them until you get one. 3* troops work too.

Bananas, got it!

I have Wilbur! But right now I’m training Boldtusk. As soon as Boldtusk is fully leveled (really close) I’ll start Wilbur.

I’m continuosly running epic trainings, but well, I can’t decide the color when it gives me a 4*.

So far looks like Wukong gets all the thumbs up.

Dont loose your time and resources with the epic TC [dont remember the number maybe 13?!].
Its worthless, wish somebody told me that, i’ve ran that TC for 2 or 3 months and only one 4* came from there. Its a waste and dont upgrade the other TCs yet, for now tc11 its enough so at night you can run them without loosing too much resources.
You should focus on Stronghold, iron storage, food storage [food and iron obviously but not too much]. Get the SH at max as soon as you can and after that a TC to 20 so you can get epics and legendary heroes. TC 13 has a really small % for a 4*, 3 or 4% while on TC20 its like 15/20%. Then slowly built everything else.

Im almost 6/7 months in [f2p] and i dont have Wu, you should focus on what you have, and not what you’ll get because you’ll stall and wont make any progress. Wu could show up tomorrow or in a year.


Don’t bother with epic training…
Just wait till TC20 and you’ll get him there. And maybe a 5* as well. :slight_smile:

Great, I’m taking notes.

Actually, my epic training produced 4 4* heroes so far, 2 of them being part of my defence team.

Anyways, I assume that Wukong is still a desireable hero according on what you wrote.

Wu Kong is probably the most used 4* in the game across all lvls of the game! But don’t think he will just drop in your lap. I’m on my 7month of no wu in my life… Don’t worry I’m seeing a quack!

What I’ve done, I keep enough orbs and mats to be able to max him when he appears, but I’ve maxed Chao li xiu and onatel while I wait…

The hero you have already is often worth lvling, especially with f2p or c2p accounts like ourselves

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Wu is a MUST HAVE.

You’re welcome.

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I have 3 of theses, against titans it’s your trump card. Try looking for him

You should also try your luck to pull protheus or Wilbur, theses are also amazing heroes.

Yes but TC20 also produces 4* heroes, and quite often. That is why I would recommend to get there ASAP (as they also have a shot at giving you a 5*).

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Fortunately I got Wilbur recently. After finishing Boldtusk I’ll train him.

So from what I’m reading, rushing to Training camp 20 would be a smart move in order to have better chances for a 4* hero and luckly a Wukong. If there are no thumbs down I’ll try to focus on getting him.

And maybe I should postpone other things like completing a 4* rainbow troops (which I’m only missing red and yellow)

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I disagree with the idea of neglecting TC13 and shooting for TC20 because you need the storage to put all of your excess food until you have TC20. The road from TC13 to TC20 while upgrading your stronghold is loooooong. I recently completed SH20 and am upgrading my 4th TC to TC13 right now, which will be my first TC20. Guess how much food that I have stored in TC13. 9 million ham!! Without TC13, all of that excess food would have been lost.

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I personally never had excess food while getting to TC20

I am C2p and I am running at least 2 TC20 since September. I have running Tc13 for 2 or 3 months I think before reaching Tc 20.

I got 4 heroes 4* in those Tc13, which were useful, but the only Wu Kong I have was coming from an elemental summon. It took me 9 months to get him.

Just my story to get Wu Kong, I’m playing for a bit more than a year now :wink: