Hello everyone! My current team is:
(green) Hansel 4/57
(yellow) Chao 4/56
(red) Boldtusk 4/54
(purple) Sabina 4/49
(blue) Grimm 4/47
The Knights event is expected next, so I won’t be able to use Grimm because of blue reflect. I have Tiburtus but he’s 1/17 right now. I was working on completing my main team’s leveling before working on the next team, but this last event almost defeated me (in fact, I had to use gems to continue on the last stage of legendary). I only have the one team as 4* so I had to take Azar with me, and she died right away in the last few stages. I would like to go into the Knights event more prepared and I’m wondering if I should work on my next team or finish this one? The only other 3* I have that’s fully leveled is Bane; the others are in their third ascension but early levels.
The next team I’m planning to level is:
(green) Gregorion 2/27 OR Caedmon 1/1
(yellow) Wu Kong 1/1 (I do not like the RNG of his special–I’m more of a special attack hitter than a tile hitter and am not sure I can use him properly)
OR Gretel 3/19 (she’s not a high hitter, but Hansel’s mana control saved me numerous times last event)
OR Guardian Jackal 1/1
(red) Kelile 1/1
(purple) Tiburtus 1/17
(blue) Kiril 1/10 (I’ll probably finish Grimm first, since Kiril is blue)
I have exactly two compasses and two fine gloves and almost enough materials to ascend one of each color, so I’m thinking the definite ones are Tiburtus and either Greg or Caedmon . . . or Gretel/Wu/Jackal. I have all the ascension materials required for these except for one trap tool for Tibs.
Mainly I want my second team to help me with rare quests and events. I have a whole slew of heroes to level, but as you all know, ascension materials are severely lacking. These quests and events are the only reliable source, so I want to be able to do them without having to use gems. I’m not too worried about a titan team–I’m always in the top five of my alliance and since we’re a training alliance we rarely take down 6* titans, so I’m doing well enough for now. I’d rather have a team that can do the guaranteed ascension material sources. I’m also not worried about war teams since we’re always too outmatched for it to do much good.
No matter how much research I do, I still feel unsure as to my next step and my current team is leveling sooooo slowly I feel like I’m wasting valuable time and resources.
Should I work on my next team now and pause my current team’s leveling, or finish up my current team then move on to the next?
My first event did the same thing to me! Then the second got me even more spun up… And I was finally able to put up a decent fight on my third event.
The truth is, a fully leveled team is much better and FAR more useful than 2 Unleveled ones. Even if that fully leveled team isn’t geared towards Event competition.
Focus first on what you have.
After they are leveled, you can make decisions on your next hero. (Tib would be a good swap for Sabina when your Boldtusk is maxed, for example)
Lastly, reconsider your disdain of the magical monkey, Wu. I waited way too long to keep and level him. Was a huge mistake
I’d just finish off the set of heroes you’re working on now. They’re all so close that you won’t gain much time switching. Afterwards I’d give the mats to Greg and Wu Kong (I don’t like him either, but he’s so good on titans that you need to have him), and bring Kelile, Tiburtus, and Kiril to 3-70.
Okay, Tibs is also very good and worth the mats. It’s useful to have all 3 of the ramming pulverizer heroes leveled to can get that ability more flexibly.
Thank you! I wouldn’t swap out sabina just yet: she’s my best healer and only debuffer until i get caedmon leveled. Having two healers saved me this last event so I’ll probably try that method next time too.
Haha, I’ll consider wu more carefully and maybe take him for a spin next war to see how it is.
Okay good then I’m not thinking the wrong way! I don’t have gormeck, but I figure if I can get two different colors of every skill I should be able to do every event without having to use the reflected color or a 3*. That’s the main reason I’m considerding Gretel. She’s not vey impressive otherwise.
The good news is that you are thinking ahead. Just don’t get too focused on this next event or you’ll end up with a pile of unleveled heros.
You fight Titans, Provinces and Quests daily. And the Special Quests(asc materials) are more frequent than Events.
There is a great feeling when you get to stop worrying about giving feeders once a hero is leveled. Almost as good as finishing an Event tier
Good luck!
Thank you for your advice guys! I’ll get my current team finished and then reread and consider what’s been said here. Maybe I’ll even have more compasses and gloves
Hi… just flash read your msg here, In my opinion your team 1 seem close to assention… but are a quite strong… i would recommends, farm Lots… and work on both teams… And You need at least 3 strong teams to compeate in all 3 levels of Events… RARE, EPIC & Legendry… i am currently working on 5 teams… and i would like more… but cant save them…
Just another small thought Yoohoo… i have completed season 1… and am stuck in limbo until season 2 comes out… in the meantime… i will be leveling Everything Up… Buildings… Troops… stronghold…etc… Most of my time will be spent waiting and competing in events… and farming lots… Just a heads up…