Shortlist of Frequent Requests (Ruled Out & Considering - Please Read Before Posting!)

Older players may get short stick but they got to explore new things for the effort. Risk => reward.

“To boldly go where no man has gone before.”

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We had a leader leave Indigo and so we had a co-leader start another alliance because he felt helpless in some areas. So now we have Indigo Tide. It kinda sucked we had to do that because we were doing so well with titans and had to start over, but we are getting strong again. About 20+ members came with us. We have a strong core group and have gotten stronger quickly.


Another suggestion of mine: to gain 1 world + 1 raid + 1 alliance flask as you gain level instead of have a “forced refill”, to help players playing when they can and to not “force” them to wait playing (and levelling) to gain the better value out of the refill.



Now, that’s an idea!
I second the motion.

Relatively new player here, but I do get the occasional thank you gift from them now and then. “Thank you for hanging in there” type thing. Something larger for long term players would be appropriate.
Topping out at level 20, 3 months, 6 months, etc.


May want to consider blocking players from using certain names such as admin and moderator, u see people with those names on all the time impersonating the devs and posting links for free gems. Most of us know better but it new players may be tricked by it.


I would like to suggest adding an option to use recruits to train troops in training camps or barracks rather than only being able to just level them up or find new troops. Troop availability during normal gameplay is too limited making it very slow to level up troops…


Multi-builders or at least a queue of tasks so that as resources become available several desired upgrades can be accomplished between visits!


Melendor debería de ser uno más que curase los estados alterados propios del ekipo porque hay muy pocos contados kelo again casi todos son los ke kitan el beneficio alos contsrior pero no curan a su ekipo totalmente , vivicia y rigard son los únicos que curan los estados propios ?

Melendor has his own strength, removing foes’ buffs. That’s a very valuable special. As you note, if you want to clean up your own team, use Rigard, Vivica or Lady Locke (Pirates event hero).

Would really like the ability to watch how the raid okayed out when someone attacked me. Kinda like a replay. This would allow players to determine weakness and address them. Most strategy games have this already.

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I so much wish for this feature…however, I think it takes the devs a long time to develop such a feature so it is difficult for them to consider right now!

Trade/Merchant Feature

Some very basic ideas that could be implemented for a merchant/trading option:

  • would be accessed either from the SH (to give it some functionality) or from the Outpost
  • trade food/metal for 50% of the other resource metal/food and vice versa
  • trade a large amount of food/metal for a gem

This would introduce a feature in the game that is very realistic, since trading has always been part of every culture and community, while not changing the overall balance of the game.

I also think that such a feature would not be difficult to develop and incorporate in the game,

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This 2:1 trading idea seems simple and serviceable to me. Set a max/day traded based on the level of the Market (or SH or Outpost).

A more sophisticated version might shift the trade ratio based on volume. For example, the first 20k can be traded at 2:1, then the next 20k at 3:1, etc. no hard cap, but at some point the marginal value is so bad it’s not worth doing. Increase the shift point (20k in the example) with the market level.

It’s easy to get lost in the endless possibilities of merchant activity, so the simplicity of this idea has a lot of appeal. Trading mats, buying crafting ingredients, earning gems…all possible. But a simple rebalancing of the two basic commodities—simple and worthwhile.


Trading resources for gems should also be easy and just a tad more interesting.
If you get a gem for each 10K resources, 1M food or metal would give you 100 gems - not even enough for a basic summon.
This should not alter the in-game balance but make things that little bit more spicy!

people with high level farms and watchtower are producing well over a million food per day. I’m not sure the devs are gonna give out an epic hero or troop token every 2.5 days or so…

What is the value of another Epic Troop Token for those players producing over a million of food per day? :wink:
It would also make sense to make the “resource cost” per gem go up as the level of the SH goes up…after all “demand and supply” rules all, right? :wink:

Again, I’m a fairly high level player (get up to 2750 cups/leaderboard rank 50ish) and I’m still missing a 4* green troop. Often times I’m bringing 3 heroes of one color to a titan or tough tank and I don’t have three 4* troops in every to use for them. I LOOOVE to get epic troop tokens instead of epic hero tokens from chests.


I’ve only been playing for 83 days and I’m still in the 2000-2100 cups region (way down the leaderboard ;))
So if you get an epic troop token, you have to summon a 4* and then it has to be green and still will be at Level 1…so how much is it going to imbalance the game?
Also, as I suggested the cost should go up, so it can be
1,000 resources/gem up to SH10
10,000 resources/gem up to SH15
100,000 resources/gem above SH15

This reflects the abundance of a resource (gems in this case) in a higher level environment/community :slight_smile:

P.S. I like to give a semi-realistic meaning to game mechanics lol