Shortlist of Frequent Requests (Ruled Out & Considering - Please Read Before Posting!)

This thread is very long and painful to read by mobile because there is not straightforward way to reach the top of the post. Because the forum missing the option button “go to the beginning”, “go to the end”. Don’t you or I have missing something? Here it is the screenshot.

If you tap on the post counter on the bottom right it opens a pop up window that has a scroll bar that makes it easy to jump around.

That window also has a “jump to” option that lets you go to a particular post number, or the top of the thread.



Please make a “Provisions Quest” for backpacks, swords, and rugged clothes. Thanks!


How about making the push notifications more customizable? I myself dislike getting pinged every 20 mins. But I would like to know when certain things are finished.

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As for now you can only mute a topic to disallow his related notifications and you could them set it as a bookmark to still be able to find it quickly.



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Doing this has no effect on the notifications that the game/app sends to your device. As of now its either get all notifications or none at all.

This post needs full update to reflect the current situation on what has been launched and what is about to be launched. It talks about things being available in 15, yet 19 is about to go live.

I of course talking about the sticky post at the top of this thread…

Please please please give us something to build.

I’m constantly raiding with full storage and full mines…the watch tower is not full only because I keep losing iron when raided…and, by the way, the iron in the watch tower is only making me a juicier target!

This was always a bit of an issue but it is more so now with the new quests that are consuming a huge amount of flags, giving us less flags for farming forging raw materials…or, at least, increase the drops of raw materials from quests :frowning:

The solution is so simple to implement…just make the food storage and iron storage facilities larger, for example up to level 25 or something.

But GIVE us SOMETHING to do with the IRON!
THANK YOU :slight_smile:

This is a re-post…pleeease SG or whoever is the developer now, pleeease listen to my pain :wink:

something new? any novelty?

Do you mean other than everything announced for 2019?


Any plans to change alliance recruitment? There is no way in game to chat with a prospective member without them joining your alliance. In game recruiting is a joke. Hours spent with no results. When you are not a high level alliance, with a big name, trying to get members is very difficult.

Second, find a way to eliminate dead alliances. Seems to me that would free up server space.

Finally, make starting your own alliance something that is based on your level. Maybe level 30. Too many alliances started by level 5 players or newer players that give bad advice thus causing players to either leave game or have problems playing the higher levels

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About Alliance Wars leaderboards, trading/donation between players, and battle alliance between members =D

The only one of those I’ve seen updates on is trading between players — the developers have said pretty explicitly that they don’t intend to add that.

Changes to the leaderboard have been discussed extensively, and will likely happen at some point, based on developer comments on the Forum. But I don’t know when.


I can’t figure out how to create a suggestion for a new feature so I’ll drop it here…

  1. Diamond gift for any battle you win and you have zero life loss at the end. “Flawless victory!!”

  2. In Season 2, like the Titan in Season 1, there should be a Kraken to battle!!

You want to click on the forum, not a post, and there is an add button there.

Is there going to be an update to this soon?

Has anyone suggested an disable button, for when you want or need to take a break and you won’t continue to get attacked and won’t be disappointed when you return?

Hate to tell you this, but with the legendary heroes- ur already getting a pretty godlike strike or other ability.

The only way upward from there would be to designate some heroes as uber gods, with s strike that would turn any normal landscape into so many craters.

So, really, if there’s any realism there at all- you can’t go upward cause the world would either detonate, or wax both parties, leaving you with no party an no game.


This one is funny. Any battle? Like hunting?
You get a gem for every fight?
You’ll totally unbalance the game economy an take away any possible reason to play p2p.
All I would have to do is win 600 three point battles- an I get my fine gloves for my epic - wow, what a nice perk!

Oh, yes. Well, there’s two kinds of krakens, you know- below an above fifteen feet. Above fifteen feet, it would simply eat all ur fine heroes- an that would be that.
Also, there’s a marine element here- you’d have to be fighting on a boat, cause those things don’t normally hang out on land.