Short question - short answer- FAQ Mega Thread

The reflection will not be reflected again. It’s like riposte.

Does anyone know why the collectable amount of ham only shows up on one?

I onced reported this as a bug. so no idea if this is intended.

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Does anyone know where I’ll get the worst xp per flag ratio? I want to delay my level up.

S1 1-1 is the best. 58 XP for 3 flags (~19 XP/flag) and 9-10 monsters


I now farm S1 2-1 for a total of 112 XP per 3 WE run and can delay my level up until the next titan. Omnia harvester makes it a bit better.

Thanks a lot. I thought, those 1st levels would give more XP. Nice loot anyway. Already got several crude iron nuggets and backies.

I don’t even have one showing
Bars either

“Would like to know what happened to the alliance light for active players that was supposed to be activated with last update?”

It’s part of beta beat v31. Only v30 has gone live so far

Momentarily you can visit the war field to see online indicators.

I have a question of my own. Alliance score doesn’t affect matchmaking, but does war score?


Just found a topic I will never post to, but might reference

Well, a second post

Hi all I hope this is the right place to mention and propose that you should be able to get your Titan loot if you were kicked. This guy kicked me on purpose after I helped them slay Titan. I’m on a Titan hunt for meat and if 6 out of 10 do that we spend recourses and items and get nothing because no sportsmenship. Please make so you get your loot if kicked. Thanks

Been a while since I went mercing.

  • If the alliance is open, then ethically the Merc should be allowed to collect the loot for his / her efforts.
  • However, the risk of being kicked out is always there & part of the benefit / risk aspect.

I remember thanking every alliance for having me & allowing my hit…but was all the time aware of being kicked out… learnt from my first alliance that hated Mercs but enjoyed their hits !

  • All types make up this game !