Sherwood Rangers recruiting 10* titans

Is your current alliance not cutting it? Too many escaped titans and winnable wars lost due to inactivity? Then we may be what you are looking for!

Due to certain life events within our family, the Sherwood Rangers have a few openings. We are currently hitting 9-11* titans. We kill all 9s, most 10s and are occasionally grabbing an 11* titan pelt. Here’s what we’re looking for:

**Defense team power of around 3900 or 4k. If you don’t qualify, but have a good bench and are motivated, we can talk.

**You must hit every titan and use every war flag.

**Good personality and sense of humor. We keep our in-game chat free of foul language.

**Line is encouraged but not mandatory. We use it for info shares and screenshots.

Bumping this post. We still have a few slots open. Hit me up if you’d like more info on our alliance.