Sharing Feature via Forum to Alliance ; for Assisting Leaders & Co-leaders

Please NOTE : I continue to Encourage our Members in Visiting E&P’s Forum.
As a Leader who strives in keeping Alliance Members informed of SGG’s latest Announcements, I’m Requesting a Feature.
The Updated v22 has prompted me in Creating this Topic. Members are chatting about their inability to Upgrade their Strongholds to Level 21.
I posted how they can access “More Info” from the game’s Inbox, only if they haven’t Deleted the Inbox message regarding v22.
~~> My New Feature Request : A way to “Share/Forward” SGG & Developers Announcements, via E&P’s Forum Site to our Alliance’s homepage. I’m currently copying by hand, and posting the much needed information in our Chat box.
Since I’m not familiar with “copy and paste”, I’m not sure if that’s even an option?
I occasionally remind Members how important it is to “read-read-read” any and all information available to them. This “Feature” would be incredibly helpful to more than players and Leaders! :smiley:
Thank you for your time.

11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Add Support for Hyperlinks in Game Chat Text