🦊 Shadowfang - 5* Dark / Purple - Fox hero from Covenant Summon

What happened to the poll leaving out “Is Shadowfang worth giving Master Wizard Emblems to?” Leave this out on accident? @PlayForFun

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I think it was never there.

I have just added.

As the most recent hero I’ve pulled, I find him incredibly powerful, but with a major asterisk.

Right now, in the current state of the game, he does up to 1500 damage against defense-debuffed teams, and bones hit for 500-600, which is more than enough for the speed.

What I worry about is his longevity. He’s only doing well as a paragon of the “big balance update” philosophy - that is, simply because of higher base stats than anything used right now. 390% and 230% are fairly low percentages for a slow-speed hero (initial hit percentage is similar to that of Khufu, who came out years ago).

Hopefully this is a sign of SGG slowing down with special skill powercreep, but if it isn’t - he will fade into obscurity (on the top level) in a matter of months.

Anyone go full sword path and can share stats?