SGG AMA (3/19) Discussion—Summons & Ascension Items

Any of the tiers starting at top 75% have a chance for ascension mats.

IMPORTANTLY: These might change upon release.

…but here’s the current breakdown for ascension mats and tokens (for simplicity, I didn’t include the Flasks, Atlantis Coins, Emblems, Battle Items, and Crafting Materials that are in loot in addition to these):

| Tier | AM Chance | EHT/ETT Chance |
| — | — | — | — |
| 75-100% | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 50-75% | 1 Draw: 5% 3* | 1 Draw: 5% EHT, 15% ETT |
| 25-50% | 1 Draw: 18% 3*, 2% 4* | 1 Draw: 15% EHT, 25% ETT |
| 10-25% | 1 Draw: 22% 3*, 3% 4* | 2 Draws: 20% EHT, 40% ETT |
| 5-10% | 2 Draws: 45% 3*, 5% 4* | 2 Draws: 25% EHT, 45% ETT |
| 1-5% | 2 Draws: 95% 3*, 5% 4* | 2 Draws: 40% EHT, 60% ETT |
| Top 1% | 2 Draws: 90% 3*, 10% 4* | 3 Draws: 50% EHT, 50% ETT |