SGG AMA (3/19) Discussion—Season 2

Please discusses responses to Season 2 questions here.

12. After Season 2 has been fully released, will the Atlantis portal continue monthly, or are you considering some other changes to the summons portals to incorporate Season 2 heroes and old HotM?

13. What’s coming after Season 2 wraps up in Q2? Season 3 or just reruns?

14. How do you figure out which HotM will be in the Atlantis portals?

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From the discussions, and earlier section 2 (summon and ascension items), it seems that it may be more likely for us to see older HoTM in training camps (or new TC builings) than we will for Season 2 heroes to appear in the camps, and that the SGG still intends on having Atlantis open once a month.

However, as rare as Atlantis Coins has been even on normal basis, once all provinces are opened and hard mode finished, if the Atlantis coin drop rates do not increase, it will be much harder to acquire the coins to perform these summons, and players would be resorted to having to make Gem (and complimentary) coin purchases during the Atlantis portal time and perform gem summoning. F2P like myself plays on Atlantis Summons from the Atlantis Coins we collected from clearing the levels the first time and is something that is quite concerning once the provinces are cleared under both difficulty settings. But I suppose it is just by design then, you might still have to rely on gem summons for the long run.

Didn’t see it on the first read through, but did any one suggest removing classic 3* from the Atlantis portals (or at least significantly decrease their odds of showing up)? Atlantis summon is more expensive per summon than regular portals, kind of playing to the above, nothing more deflating when you finally saved up 100 Atlantis Coins (after all province cleared) for the once a month summon and getting a Renfeld.


That matches my understanding from being on the call.

I came away with the impression that they’ll likely make some changes to this in the long run, once Season 3 comes out. Tim made it clear they won’t devalue existing Atlantis coins, but they might change which heroes are available where eventually.

Several times in conversation, Tim expressed a strong priority for addressing hero availability for F2P and C2P players — it was my impression that that’s very important to the SGG design and development team.

This has been suggested on the Forum, but didn’t come up in our conversation.


We didn’t take up the question about Classic heroes in the Atlantis portal. Staff did lower the odds of pulling Classic heroes once, so it didn’t seem worthwhile revisiting that. BUT you make a good point: once we’ve farmed up all the Atlantis coins, the only new coins will be the meager trickle from chests and rare titans. And using those rare items to get another Renfeld will irk me. Perhaps they’ll consider another probability shift after Season 2 goes into reruns.


I kind of read more meaning into the “not devalue but will reshuffle” statement - I assumed that the implication was that they would not increase the total inflow of coins into the game but would look for ways to keep it at the same levels. I could be totally wrong, but that’s where I thought it was going.

Another possibility: introducing new ways to get Atlantis Coins, maybe by creating new quests or adding AC as reward for events. Maybe AC can be farmed in Atlantis (provinces 25-27 are most probably going to be located there).

I would really like to see an improvement to Quests as apart from the class Quests and the last stage of the rare ones like Mount Umber the difficulty level is trivial for most advanced players. Also some quests are only interesting for beginners (like find battle items 1)

As for farming AC in high S2 provinces, this might eventually shift the focus away from 8/7 which is still considered the best farming level by many players. It’s quite strange that a level players can reach within 1 or 2 weeks is one of the best places to farm in the whole game…

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It’s possible your interpretation is correct; my understanding from the call itself was that they might repurpose Atlantis Coins if the Atlantis Summons changed or went away — and if so, would ensure the value of the Coins were maintained.

Either way, it’s extremely safe to say that the ideas around that are not finalized.