SG gave 150 - 3K Coins!

I got Caedmon and Bane!!!

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Ici non plus pas de piĆØces :upside_down_face:

I didnā€™t get my free coinsā€¦

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Got nothing. Maybe they will arrive later on?

I pulled Diaochan with my free pull!!!

Just kidding, I got Yao :upside_down_face:

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Our war band won the war , that gave me 62 coins. Plus 150 claimed for them , enough for 2 pulls.
Got lucky and pulled Lu Bu, which is actually a second copyā€¦I already got him from a previous 10x pull the other day.


Got the coins. Inbox didnā€™t show, but message was there.

Event itself got me 32 coins. 30 for being 6th in the warband. 1 for losing (400 unused flags), 1 for Wei losing en 0 for warband score.

How much did people with better luck get?

Free pull got meā€¦ kailaniā€¦

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Bon tirage avec :blush:
Pas a me plaindre

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Wu Kong here.

Far east but not far east enough.

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Who are the people that claim they got 3k coins?

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I was so excited because I thought 150 tokens meant 15 pulls. Nope just 1 pull lol. Oberon

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Yeah, these coins brought luck, got Zhou Yu :star_struck:


I got Belith. Oh well. The odds are so low. Those who couldnā€™t try their luck in this portal now can, one or two times. Why these portals contain S1 heroes at this point is beyond me.

Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

From the $29.99 special !


Ok ā€¦. I need to swap you for the 3* green hero that I received from my pull.
Just kidding.
Well done on your pull ā€¦. Itā€™s nice to hear when people get lucky with free coins etc


The ones :smiley: who got the 3K coins !

Mele and Valen.

But Iā€™m not allowed to complain for a while after my circus pulls. So instead Iā€™m just happy, that Sg gave us those coins at all :grin:


2 pulls here, since I did pretty well in the skirmish and got some coins for that. First was Jahangir. Second was Sun Shangxiang. (Imma call you Sunny, K?) Pleasantly surprised to get a four-star W3K hero, even if Iā€™m not sure how good she is yet. Maybe an upgrade to Gormek, at least on titans? Yet another fighter competing for emblems, though, and sheā€™ll be stuck behind JF for feeders for a while, too. Still, Iā€™m happy.

EDIT: Thanks, @Petri and SGG folks. Always want to acknowledge the good stuff, folks.


I got Gunnar too! :rofl:
But itā€™s a gift. And a chance. For some. So thanks.