Next purple to work on. Purples like me. So it will be awhile before the second makes level 4.
Hel! 20 characters!!!
Hel without a doubt.
Another Hel vote from me
I want to say Set because I have him and not Hel, but I know the truth when I see it. Hel is 5* Proteus, and Proteus is probably the most important hero in the game for difficult PvE situations. Costumed Hel would be even better.
That said, I’ve used Set at 3/70 while doing the S5 events, and he’s better than I expected. There’s no hurry to charge him like there is in a raid, so he doesn’t suffer from being slow. His minions are very strong, and his passives (dropping defense and doing water defense when someone hits him with a special skill, and 70% chance to do mild damage to all and dropping mana when using his special skill) are pretty powerful.
The part of his skill set that requires him to die is pretty bad, but then again, there are some S3 heroes like Bera who drop mana when they die, and that can be devastating in certain conditions.
I still hope he’ll get a buff. He’s just a few steps short of being unambiguously good.
Add another vote for Hel
Hel for sure! I wanted set to be honest because on paper he seemed strong. In real life he’s pretty bad imho.