šŸ§™ Sergei ā€“ 4* Dark / Purple from Tower of Magic

Even though I have Panther, and I have Miki, I am still aiming to get at least two Sergeis for the sake of Mythic Titansā€¦ Saved over 20,000 gems just for him lol (ofc would love the legendaries but with the odds at 1% I donā€™t hope for much). It is difficult to use Miki in the last 6 attacks on Mythic Titan when heā€™s all cursed up, and whenever I switch to Ranvir I start remembering why I hate this joke of a hero so much.

Only downside to Sergei is you need to charge him TWICE if you want the effect at the beginning of a battle, so the cost to mana pots is doubled (if you want the attack boost, ofc). But I think thatā€™s intentional, just so people still consider Tarlak/Miki ultimately a superior option.


Woohoo , wasnā€™t aware of this , I donā€™t have panthers and given up on it ā€¦ will make life interesting now

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I love how he is the only hero of magic tower thatā€™s talked about the most at this moment. Really tells you how important he is

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And he is only 4hero so chances to get him are much better than 5 I see lots of happy faces after the Tower event, even if people donā€™t get any 5* but only him

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Yes, everyoneā€™s got their Serg-eiā€™s on the prize.

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Woohoo, it took a few pulls but I got him. Now to level as fast as I can before we get a yellow titan :slight_smile:


First time I did pulls based on a 4, managed to get him, and would love a dupe !


Got two of him, Iā€™m happier than when I pull some 5*s :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Def-health path


Did same :smiley:

20 Charakters

Sergei and Kageburado after a few test raids. 9a5aa6b0da74c0b2e956403b8e5a46df


For titan heros I always use attack path to help with tile damage. It will be a while for me to get there but Iā€™ll show when I do if someone else hasnā€™t done att path.

Interesting for the 2 points of view here. Attack for Titan makes sense but if support heroes they have to stay alive to make the effect happen so Def path makes sense tooā€¦

Eg. Special skill for Attack up for all is way better than a slightly higher attack stat if they would have died before firing but if not, then the extra attack stat is better so itā€™s dependent on how often extra Def would keep them alive which is hard to quantify

Looking at Sergei specifically, if I was planning to use him outside of Titan I would also go Def path because heā€™d be more useful overall, but if only for Titan is a tough call and would depend on play style/item usage

I have more revive scrolls than I know what to do with so in the rare cases where he dies on a titan I just use a scroll but his higher attack will apply every turn.

Makes sense, same here too be honest Iā€™m terms of having millions of them, I never use them.

My main Titan items are Titan or similar banner, tornado, time stop, and antidote but seems it might be worth considering changing this up. As said though, depends on playstyle and items

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He can be good for defense in 4* tournaments ( no yellow).

You bring C.Tiburtus and this crazy russian goes first and the board is clearedā€¦
if not by spells, other dark heroes do it with slash attacks on double deff down :stuck_out_tongue:

Sergei, C-Rigard, Tibs, and Ametrine would be a devastating combo for a mono 4* purple. In a way, this puts 4* Darks almost in the league of 4* reds


Itā€™s the first time I did a blind pull (without checking first the heroes stats and their abilities)
When Iā€™ve got him thoughtā€¦ Nice but heā€™s a 4 starā€¦

But after checking his stats and abilities I said WOW!!!
A Guardian Panther and a Miki combinedā€¦
A Guardian Miki !!!


Help please.

How do you get Sergeiā€™s attack to 160%? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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other attack buffers like costume rigard and sergei stack attack

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