📯 [September 2020] Portal Stats & Summon Results – Season 3 (Valhalla)

Depends how much spare roster space you have. If you have enough, keep a second for now and max one, see how he is for you and then decide. I am always limited on roster space, with only about 13 free so I have only kept 1 of most, 2 of a few (2x Bjorn, 2x Kvasir)…

And congrats.
I am a huge fan of Jott. I have him at +18 and love him on red titans.


Did a 10 pull after months …

Jott and Fura are new so not bad.

Then a coin pull and …


Ok I guess that’s my luck done for the next few months :joy:


Congrats on your pulls!

There is absolute no reason to keep 2 An-windrs. You would never need to run 2 on either offense nor defense.

Also idk if they fixed it, but I heard that An-Windr’s special skill is still bugged. If An-windr fires his special and then you throw enough tiles at him to get him to fire again within the 4 turns of his special skill duration, he never deals damage. This is only what I heard during the last 3* no yellow rush attack tournament a few weeks ago.

For me, the only place I would use An-Windr is tanking or flanking in rush attack no-yellow tournament and he was somewhat of a let down. I kind of regret speed leveling An-windr for that tournament. Should’ve maxed my Gil-Ra instead.


Did 11 pulls, all 3 stars until…

Why did I Friggin’ feed elk all my tonics 2 days ago?? :rofl:
Yay my first season 3 five star!


Bought the offers again.
Once again all dupes (2x E Dunn today, 1x Grevle and a couple more).

Got a second Gulinbursti… not sure it’s worth having 2, is it?


And in addition to my crazy luck this Valhalla to fill the chest I did 3 more coin pulls from offer.


Wow congrats.
I had all 3* on both days so far, and 2x Gulinbursti lol.

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Valhalla summon portal is very cruel,always gives me 3* and 4* heroes from season 1. Until now i have pulled only 2 5* heroes ratatoskr (twice) and Heimdall (twice…), Odin has a strange kind of humour…


6 coin pulls. only new hero An-Windr… 2nd Nordri, 2nd Kvasir (keeping those) dupe Kiril which got eaten (2 is enough to keep) 2nd Grevle (eaten) and third Isarnia… (that’s 5th legendary S1 5* in a row from both Atlantis and Valhalla portals…) I don’t need S1 5* game… It has been over a year with no new good 5* from summons, pulls are getting boring and repetitive.

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Target: Almur and Jott.
Did 2xpull with coins yesterday…

And today 2xpull coins: feeders.
And 10xpull:

All feeders :man_shrugging: :sweat_smile:
Well, at least I get 1st HOTM Bai Yeong, see you next time… Almur and Jott :wink:


Bought all 4 offers today giving me 10x Pulls.
8x 3*
1x 4* - Kashhrek
1x 5* - FENRIR

My first Fenrir, and my first FAST 5* Blue, FINALLY!!
I have no Emblems for him though as they are all on Elena + Kingston, and still need a Tome of Tactics for Malosi, hopefully I can get 2x Tome of Tactics by the time I have got Fenrir ready to take to the final ascension (I have plenty of everything else - capes, d blade, tabbard, fine gloves).


Just got Lady Loki and Bai Yeong from 10 pulls. More than happy. I really wanted Lady Loki from the day she was released. My anti GTV team will work much, much better now. Can’t wait to max her.


So this happened.


Bought the coin offer from valhalla as every month.
10 pulls per month granted me 7 5 stars from season 3 and no duplicates.
Today was lucky as well

Got Tyr, Norns, Heimdall, fenrir, Alfrike,frigg, bera.


on 7th pull dawa not make me down with bai yeong LOL


Earned another 100 coins and did the pull - got Azar. Cosmic :poop:!

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Freya, Loki and frigg still elude me. But happy bera showed up!


I’m happy to pull him, but man does this game love giving me blue 5*. I have Vela, Finley, Frida, and Master Lepus maxed. Now in waiting I have Fenrir, Athena, Miki, Magni, Richard, Raffaele, and Thorne. My kingdom for a bag of scopes? :joy::rofl:


since starting the Valhalla portal, I’ve always called, bought the last day’s promotions, I don’t have any 5 * heroes from Valhalla, extremely frustrating !!!

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I think that up to 2 is ok. Depending if you need another yellow healer or how many healers do you have maxed.