šŸµ [Sept 2020] Riddles of Wonderland Challenge Event ā€“ Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results


My only 5* from events is Finleyā€¦ Wonderland has thus far refused even a 4* or 3*. But I did get the HotM, so have to be happy, I suppose.

Is it just me, or are coins really stingy this time around? I have received a total of 3 suspicious chests, despite lots of farming.

First time I got over 1mil points in Epic. Wonā€™t be going for top 10 though, would need an absurd amount of luck getting chests and board together. Also kind of low on mats.


Finished legendary with boldtusk +18/Wilbur+18/falcon+18/chao/wu kong+7

Used a lot of items (mana, 5 timestops, 4 bombs), but made it in about 10 minutes.

My scores for reference:


I made another try, with 6 x 10 pulls, and got the Queen of Hearts.
Total : maybe 200 pulls since the beginning of this event. Jabberwock, Queen of Hearts, Joon (2nd) and Azlar (x 2) joined my roster. Now I think I will enjoy these new heroes but cry a bit after all this money gone in a mobile game. lol


Just had my daily free pull, which gave 2 times troops. So decided to change 1 pull, which gave me shrubbear. Now I have 4 of the event 3*, with only vodnik missing, which I can live with.

Going to save the rest of the coins for grimforest or guardians, for hansel, gretel and falcon (pulled jackal last time ). Changes for a 5 are so slim, I donā€™t really aim for them.

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Rng, are you reading this topic? I wrote i would have almost preferred a Shrubbear over a Captain of Diamonds, and with the last free pull of the event i got a Shrubbear :rofl: :rofl:
Note to myself: try naming the best hero in the pool next time.

Managed to finish Legendary with the same team, Santa Miki BT Vela GM. Had to use only one or two time stops when i couldnā€™t charge Miki in time.

I now think i have at least one hero from every challenge. Of course none of these heroes are the top ones (apart from Hansel and Gretel).

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I had just the opposite luck this event. I pulled about 27 challenge coins. Of course I also used 9 WE flasks, but definitely a higher rate than normal. My 5 pulls from this month (10 coins from last month, plus 15 coins from completing events plus 25 coins from the event itself) netted me my first Wonderland heroes - Shubbear, Chesire Cat, and Queen of Hearts. Still no HOTMā€™s this year after more than 120 pulls.

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Any tips for crossing the line of 10000?..

Never did that before. I donā€™t have lots of items.


You have to get lucky with boards so you need to just use as many flasks as possible until you get those lucky boards. Thatā€™s the main thing.

Just caved in and bought the Ā£9.99 offer.
Bane with the free coins.
Tyrum + Ishtaak with 600 of the gems, but then on the last Gem pull: VIVICA

my first Vivica.
Now, I dunno who to do first: Malosi (already at 3/70), Bai Yeong, or Vivica

I have 4/6 darts


Viv is my only 5 healer and this is great but vs green telly it doesnā€™t workā€¦ Ussalyā€¦

I donā€™t know the new guyā€¦

I think what I will do is get Vivica to 3/70, then when I finally have my last 2 darts + another Tome of Tactics, I can decide.

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Legendary (read here somewhere that someone wanted a look at em)

Pretty cool as my strongest heroes are level 70 without emblems (no flasks used - as thatā€™s only for AR imo)

& Then this happened yesterday. I had already done 30 pulls resulting in squat (aside from the HOTM), chasing after Alice, Jabber and WR (the three Iā€™m missing). I pulled a 3* troop out of the daily summons, and with Censureā€™s method in mind, I did another pull there to test my luck (with language set to Russian too, for good measure :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:). That 2nd pull resulted in a 1* hero, therefore, I shouldā€™ve stopped there (according to that theory). However, I figured if I pulled a 3* out of the daily, my luck had to have been hot (assuming thatā€™s how it works):

Guess I was right :smirk:

Iā€™ve never been that lucky in my entire time playing this game, and Iā€™ve been playing for over two years now lol. Itā€™s been eleven months since Iā€™ve pulled a new event 5* hero (despite a $100/mo. budget), and Iā€™ve never pulled any of the newly released event heroes. So pulling a coveted new event 5* hero - that isnā€™t a dupe - off of free coins is absolutely insane [to me]. I never thought Iā€™d see that kind of luck, as Iā€™m almost always below average [in that sense].

Proceeded to push my luck and do another 10-pull after, and immediately regretted itā€¦ I just really want Alice and Jabber too sigh, but doubt lighting will strike twice. Itā€™s just, to collect the whole set?! Thatā€™s something Iā€™ve only ever dreampt about, and now the closest I am to it is Wonderland (as most events, I only have one 5* from).

Cā€™mon RNG gods, lemme have this. Pretty please?! :upside_down_face:


How did you get that result in number nine?..

Very impressive

Wow, it was me and thank you.
I have managed to redo some and i am 8200th, so I should stay top 10k now, which is what I want.
What teams did you use for the last 3 stages to hit over 100k? Did you have amazing boards + chests in them?

I have, for the final 3 stages:


I tried with a red team. Failed with the bosses (as in, it took forever to kill them).
I have no healer for a yellow team so I finally decided on Mono Purple, or 3x Purple (C Rigard / Proteus / Proteus) 2x Blue (Jott + Miki)

Welpā€¦thatā€™s it. Iā€™m tapped out. Other than leveling some 2 star troops, I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything else I can do other than just practice and get better/faster.

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Itā€™s a triple boss stage, therefore if you do it well, itā€™ll be a step below [in points] than stages 13, 14 and 15

So I redid it twice, as my original score was about 7k less. Mono red, axes, bombs, dragon attacks and nados on a good board

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Items and mono are key for better scores (well + those random chests). They donā€™t even have to be emblemed up, just gotta do it fast and make combos (the latter being the most important). Want a combo of 5 or more in there somewhere ideally, with the more, the better

I stuck with mono red for the whole thing, which was:

Boldtusk (w/ costume bonus), Wilbur, Guardian Falcon, Colen and Sumle (no emblems on any of em)

With axes, bombs, dragon attacks and tornados (Iā€™ve got 400+ of each) but arrows or mana pots would work in place of nados

No chests on any of those stages, just did it quick with at least one combo of 5 or more (should probably learn how to tape to be sure of the exact numbers lol)

I actually only got four chests this entire round, despite using all of my gained WE toward the event

Who do you have to use for red mono? As thatā€™s the most dependable go-to color, for stacking for all events except Grimmforest. Blue or yellow wouldā€™ve sufficed; would say purple is the least attractive of the monos (besides green, obviously) for this event due to no mobs being yellow, as thatā€™s where you suck up the most time

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I got Alice CHeshire catx2 captain of diamonds and shrubear on this events summoning , donā€™t know if i keep the cheshire cat in double or if i drop one .


Fine with that, stopped competing in legendary, no Miki (tarlak) - no chance, donā€™t wanna burn all my battle items for nothing. Didnā€™t much in epic too, too stressing. Will restock battle items for November, cause like i said no Miki - no chance, especially in grimforest. Please limit reruns to make it fun again for more than just the usual flask burning money monsters. :thinking: