Season two- Release date?

Does any one know of a specific release date for season 2 or have any info on levels, enemies, or inside beta testing?

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Not yet, unfortunately.

Talked to petri in chat the other day. Season 2 a few months out. My guess is around September or so.

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I heard it will be this fall.

Let all those who want to start season 2 raise their hand.


Raised hand
20 characters

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“If you’re waiting and you know it, raise your hand!”


A lot is missing? :innocent:.

Season two?! I want season three!!! :slight_smile:


First of all the current bugs should be fixed…

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32nd of NeverFrikkinEveruary

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A lot is missing? :innocent:

I’m happily and I know it
Clap your hands
I’m happy and I know it
Clap your hands
I’m happy and I know it
Please bring us season two
I’m happy and I know it
20 characters

Wooo! September! Wooo!

A lot is missing? :innocent:

A lot is missing? :innocent:

A lot is missing? :innocent: :innocent: