Season 3 beta testing: summary of a decline

Sorry @MysterySpin, forgot to add you on the beta tester list which give valuable feedback.

Really liked some of your posts, even if i don’t show it.


I would suspect that Season 3 has been rushed into beta because of the negative feedback here on Alchemy Lab and Costumes. Diversion via new content.

Which would show they DO pay attention here.


That’s EXACTLY what i think too.

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beta has changed a lot this year. In early 2019 we tested a featurea once and gave feedbacks and then tested the same feature again.
Lately we have tested so many new things just once and still no sign of hero academy which is probably the most anticipated feature for E&P


Well Im a bit tired to dig throu the items and do some analyses due to missing feedback and missing direction what and how to test.

Its always the same: please report any bugs and issues here for…

This sentence shows me clearly, they would not hear how to make the things better and balacend and perfect for ctp or everyoune.

We had a couple of discussions with regards to the AL and there were proper Feedback how to improove it and make it a better tool. But they didnt listend and did what ever they did. So this shows me, this guys are not intrested and do not apreciate the work we do. Its wasing time under the line.

Im tired atm and will see If this will change in future, up to this point will see how many feedback I will provide and how many time I like / can spend for it.

Hard words but true words, thats my opinion after nearly a year Beta testing.


Just to be clear to everyone, the first sentence how the beta gets open is:
please report any bugs and issues here foR…

And the second which is also the last sentence is:
Thank you for reporting, beta is closed now.

Where is the discussion, where is positive or negative feedback to the testers? Isn’t it worth to tank to them? Isn’t It worht to go into discussion and talk throu the pros and conta and the target they like to achieve in order to develop the right thing?

No, becaus Beta is not about development, it is simply Bugreporting.


That’s another great point, thank you.

As others, i don’t expect developers or staff to answer every single tag or question, expecially in “normal” forum.

They get assaulted every time they show their nose, it is logic they try to stay hidden as much as possible.

And there’s still the general rule that less you spoke, less you say something wrong or make higher expectation that you are not sure to fulfill.

Low profile, less effort, less problems.

But this and that are two different things, and treating beta (if you want to still call it beta?) the same you treat the rest of the forum is a nonsense.

Why make a narrow group of people in the first place if you still don’t want to talk to them?

I don’t know, i open this topic just to raise a flag. And the flag is “lately beta is boring”.
The content inside it doesn’t shine as before.
The excitement is almost gone, and for such, the feelings that we share with others are not as good as you probably want.

You are not a small company anymore, and even if you don’t care about it, you suppose to pretend you care.

Not much effort required, just a little.


It is sad, I am already finding the hard way that all those season 2, HOTM, etc heroes are mostly overpower, now I fear season 3 heroes will just add another layer. If you look at these special heroes, they have what, about 10 power more then their season 1, tc20 farmable heroes. It just does not make sense for all those players to pay hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars for heroes that are what? about 1% stronger (according to their power). When I face all those top heroes that everybody wants (proteus, aegir, name yours), they feel more like 5-10% stronger.

And that affects wars, Raids, raid tournaments, etc giving the impression that paying is not only to get to the top faster, it is the only way there.

All pretty disappointing and I am not looking forward to season 3.

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You are correct that beta is for reporting bugs. You also state that they want beta testers to report “bugs and issues”. Logically if there is a big enough concern about how a feature/hero is working that multiple people comment about it, it should be at least acknowledged/let it be known that it’s supposed to be that way. Imagine if there was a coding mistake and the new feature wasn’t supposed to work this way, AL for example as many dislike it, and no one in beta said anything. Then SG would have blamed them for not saying anything at all.

Even if there was a conversation I suspect the conversation would go like this

You need to nerf Black Knight


You need to buff Sargasso


Grimble’s attack stat is too low


Need more costume key quests


You need to listen to us more


Are you listening



Just thought this thread may enjoy this convo


It sounds like there may be a bit of a disjoint in the expectations of the two sides. SGG see beta testing as primarily bug testing and gauging overall acceptability of features/heroes. Beta testers feel like they are participating in the actual development and refinement of the features.


Well easy to get confused when devs themselves have said that bug testing isn’t the main purpose of beta


The first principle of Empires is merciless RNG. This can be seen in Alchemy Lab’s design. I would very surprised if Hero Academy is not similar to Alchemy Lab. Requests for training camp revamp, but identical camps in Puzzle Combat, show the Devs version of F2P and players version of F2P are very different.

I expect Hero Academy was pushed back after Alchemy Lab was released because Hero Academy v0.1 was probably identical to Alchemy Lab. It looks really bad when the forum moderators are heavily against your concept.

My only hope for Empires is Season 3 heroes, similar to Season 2 Proteus being a game changer, shards and trade. Wake me when the yellow 3* fast mana speed minion healer gets here.


If beta testers are asking on a monthly bases, SGG could you pleas give direction what we should test, and there is no reply to it. You never now the expectation.

If you want not your daughter to climb up the tree, you will let her know in advance, If not, she wouldn’t know what you are expecting? Easy or?

For me I only report in beta “Bugs and Issues” anymore, thats what they expext. If I donz find one, You probably don’t reas something from my side.

Since Hero Academy was clearly said to be “F2P friendly” (which was not said for Alchemy lab) i totally expect something different from it, and would be quite upset to see another similar building, since i consider that feature very low in F2P points.


time for new testers it sounds like…how many testers is there???


There’s a bunch of card pics running around line and reddit. Is there no way SGG can modify 1 or 2 value points on the heroes card for everyone in beta so they can pinpoint where the leaks are coming from?

You said it.

Even in raid battles, long time ago, only Wu Kong would have brought RNG into them… (apart from tiles’ generation) however with RNG based heroes and emblem’s proc chances we saw an even higher RNG factor.

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I really hope you are correct.


300 gems buys you an Epic summons.
297 k food and 100 recruits gets you a Legendary training.

100 gems buys you a Super mana potion.
82.2 k food, 1x Midnight root, 1x Firestone, 1x Meteor fragments gets you a Super mana potion.

The only difference I expect is zero gem cost for Hero Academy. This appears to be SGG idea of F2P friendly.

It is not that Empires started out F2P friendly, but instead P2P takes more time to code. See current list of HotM.

Atlantis coin

I know I was disappointed by Atlantis Summons being the mechanism for getting past HotM. Atlantis summons and merciless RNG are not F2P friendly in my opinion.