a brand new alliance looking for more active members
a little backstory on us:
the core of this group came from the alliance - We are Screwballs
but after a near year of dwindling membership, leader and co.leader were months from logging in, we finally decided to branch off to try and form an active community to work towards higher end Titans + better War team setups
there is like 10-11 of us that will cross over to Screwballz Two here so we will have almost 20 openings !!!
I am not going to put a trophy requirement to enter now
as 2 of our crossovers are “newbies” with low power teams
however having current active players coming in would be a boon for us going forward
so give us a try
our current cast of ten, once they all swing over, can pretty much do 4* Titan battles, sometimes down a 5*, and on Wars we pull off 3000-3200 in points
our win ratio was like 2:1 with us having 4-7 left over War energies dangling /cry
those reading this - you are most welcome to join our fledgling guild here
ps: and thank you for your time
btw: guild is currently set on “open” status so your entry should be immediate
will do this until we get to 25/30 members
The Ironclad has room for 7 w/1600+ cups, if you don’t want to start over. We have a training alliance in our family called Whatever Floats Yer Boat for the others.
I know you probably all want to stay together, but doesn’t hurt to offer
Message me on LINE if interested (I’ll see it sooner there): ~adisty~