Hi all,
Now that I have 5 Scopes, I would like to start getting insights on this (especially as Frostmarch is coming up!). I’ve seen four similar topics, but the most recent posts were in early 2019 and we know the meta has changed since then… and I also know the advice will be better if based on my specific situation.
I’m C2P, only spending very rarely on deals (have only bought two in 16 months of playing + one free VIP from a friend referral). So I nearly fell out of bed this morning when Richard popped out of TC20. I was already preparing myself to ascend Isarnia, as I know summoning odds are really low.
I’m still leaning more towards Isarnia, as her AOE defense down is devastating. However, Richard’s mana speed will synch a bit better with my other Blue 4s and 5s (none of them are slow, and I prefer color stacking).
Priorities: Titans (my alliance has started graduating from 4* to 5* Titans); War/Raids (more offense than defense), Challenge Events (trying to more consistently place in the upper loot tiers). I’m already done with Season 2 hard, and I am able to complete all Class Quests.
Current 4* and 5* Blues:
- Lepus +4
- Aegir +5
- Isarnia 3/70 (I ascended Aegir before her, because I needed a good tank)
- Richard 1/7 (he’s new!)
- Kiril +9
- Grimm +13
- Triton +7
- Sonya +14
- Valeria +1
- 2nd Kiril 4/70
- Boril 3/60 (will probably not ascend unless I have a surplus of capes)
- Agwe 3/60 ((will not ascend unless I have a surplus of capes))
- Dupes of Sonya, Grimm and Valeria 1/1
Priorities : Titans, War, Raid offense, Challenge Events.
Titans: Conclusion: Isarnia
My alliance is small (4 people) and we’re only up to 4* Titans, and even those we cannot beat regularly. I’m usually the highest scorer, and have been sharing tips on increasing Titan damage with the others.
My typical Titan team is Wu Kong + defense debuffer + 3 (more) of the strong color. I use Isarnia for Purple and Blue Titans, as I have no defense debuffers in the strong colors against them (Yellow/Green).
Against Red Titans, I would use Wu Kong + Isarnia + Kiril (attack buff) + Lepus (highest attack among my Blues) + Grimm (next highest attack + back up defense debuff). My Grimm has 782 attack, so I don’t see a place for Richard here (his unemblemed, maxed attack is only 644).
Raids / Wars: Conclusion: undecided, leaning towards Isarnia as defense debuff more useful on offense despite slow mana speed
Offense: I usually use 3/2, but have been doing mono more often because I keep running against full 5* teams with more than 9 emblems. I almost always bring Lepus and Kiril, and pick the 3rd to 5th Blues based on the situation (Sonya for dispel, Aegir if I face multiple defense debuffers/need to prioritize survivability, Valeria against multiple healers, etc…) Richard fits in better with the mana speed of the rest of my team. But Isarnia… I know she can be devastating. My highest Blue mana troop is level 8 now, still a ways to go…
Defense: currently using Seshat +6/ Li Xiu +15 / Aegir +5 / Marjana +3 / Lepus +4. this is usually enough to keep me in Diamond (the times I drop out of Diamond are when I have a bad raid offense losing streak…) I am aiming for a rainbow, planning to max Greg. Will probably do Sesh / Greg / Aegir / Marj / Joon (or maybe keep Li instead of Joon, will see). Bottom line: Neither Richard nor Isarnia are making it into this defense any time soon, as I think Aegir > Richard as a tank.
Challenge Events Conclusion: Isarnia
I’m still working on improving my challenge event placement, and Isarnia’s defense debuff (and higher attack) will help more - kill enemies faster, higher score. Her slow mana is less of a problem here, as I can mana potion her up.
Overall, leaning towards Isarnia as her defense debuff is more useful than Richard’s attack debuff, despite her slow mana.
My 4* / 5* roster for the other colors:
- Yellow
- Inari +3
- Joon 3/70 +2
- Joon’s costume +2
- Li Xiu +15
- Li’s costume 1/11 (current project)
- Chao +3
- Wu Kong +1
- Hu Tao +1
- Rana 3/70 (will probably ascend over Leo, but still thinking)
- Leonidas 3/70
- Dupes of Chao and Li 1/1
- Purple:
- Seshat +6
- Proteus +19
- 2nd Proteus +4
- Sabina +20
- Aeron +2
- Domitia 3/70
- Sartana 3/70 (will ascend over Domi)
- Cyprian +1
- Tiburtus +3
- Tibs’ costume 1/23 (current project)
- 2nd Sabina +1
- 2nd Tibs 1/1
- Red
- Marjana +3
- Sir Lancelot +14
- Boldtusk +15
- Gormek +9
- Scarlett +11
- 2nd Boldtusk +1
- Colen +2
- Kelile +2
- 2nd Gormek 3/60 (will probably not ascend)
- 2nd Scarlett 2/40 (may ascend soon, I have a serious lack of Red 5*s…)
- 2nd Colen 1/1
- Green
- Margaret +1 (yes, yes, I know, but she was the very first 5* I ascended… and does help a lot on offense!)
- Gregorion 3/70 (will almost certainly ascend over Kadi)
- Kadilen 3/70
- Skittleskull +6
- Jack O’Hare +9
- Melendor +9
- Mel’s costume 4/44 (currentn project)
- Gadeirus +3
- Caedmon +7
- Little John +9
- 2nd Melendor +1
- Kashhrek 3/60 (will not ascend unless I have a big big surplus of Shields)
- Gobbler 1/1
- 2nd LJ 1/1
- 3rd Mel 1/1
thanks in advance