SCIENCE! Peer Review at its finest! or Nothing to see here, move along, move along

Well that could have gone better or Peer review, it really works

Click arrow to discover how I REALLY feel


Argh. 2+8+8 does in fact equal 18.

This my fine friends is why you need to publish your science.

When I get access to a computer I will rewrite the post.


Thank you
thank you
thank you

For taking the time, and effort, to review my math. My entire purpose to posting to the forums is to double, triple and quadruple check my assumptions, math, and conclusions. Science is messy, but the result vastly improves our lives.

If I could give you the forum version of Reddit gold, I would.

Food, and iron, can be gotten in multiple ways ( including IAP directly at the hero ascension menu and the builder upgrade menu ) but recruits can only be indirectly purchased through Fast lane packs ( World Energy flask+ loot ticket= instant recruits ).

So in my view, recruits are the crucial ingredient in training camps. So a savings of 50% on recruits makes a huge difference ( 10 recruits versus 20 recruits )


I agree with your conclusion.

I double checked my screen shots, and my food is accurate for my experiment. I am not willing to waste heroes trying to replicate it.

Maybe someone smarter than me can explain it.

But I think it is a waste of both our times to try and figure it out in this context. We can revisit it if people find a related bug.