I pulled a santa in this event, and am wondering if I should take him or zim to 80 first as my first 5* red. Or if I should possibly focus on leveling Wilbur first. Currently the rest of my levelled roster looks like this:
Other unlevelled 5*'s include:
I have the mats to level one 5* each color but have been waiting to geta decent 4* teams maxed first, and better 5* heroes so I’m not wasting mats on ones that wont jibe with a team that I can put together, but i think both zim and Santa could be good options.
I’d vote Wilbur first because he’s amazing and you can level him quite quickly. Between Santa and Zim, it’s no contest. Zimkitha is far superior. Santa is tougher but doesn’t hit as hard, slow mana compared to fast mana, Zim is the only fast cleanser in the game. Cleansing is quite a rare ability as well.
Personally, I would do Wilbur first- he will help you with everything that matters [when it comes to mats]. You’ll eventually get more hidden blades to do a 5*, and Wilbur will help you [the most] in doing that.
Then, I would do Zimkitha for the cleanse and buff, or Santa for a solid tank. Santa is still fairly new, but I think he’s going to be a rockstar on defense- possibly offensively as well. On Titans, Wilbur will replace him mostly, unless you need more survivability fighting higher star titans.
Both are great heroes, and you can’t go wrong. It’s so close [between the two] that even I’m having a hard time deciding, and I don’t even have Santa. That’s also why I’m thinking Wilbur first; that way it gives you time to decide which one fits better with what you’re looking for.