Sand Empires Emoji Extravaganza Discussion 🎉

Bumping this thread instead of the OG thread. :sweat_smile:


Bump. :slight_smile: a real good chance for people to get emoji…


Finally reached 20 characters and coherent speach to bump. :sweat_smile::rofl:


If you have put your entry in … I wouldnt bump the other thread …or this …
As much as i do appreciate it :green_heart: i would like to see other folk also put there entries in …
It does actually lower the odds :wink: for the rest of yah getting a prize … Ill pin it :+1:


About ten more days to wait! I’m so excited!


Great idea!! Very smart


To our favorite dragon @Dudeious.Maximus

I accidentally found this thread, and it made me smile.

Thank you.

I put “ocean” in the Word Association thread, and someone said “Atlantis” next. I really, really wanted you to say “farming” … and you did.

Thank you.

Even when you drop a zero and reset us, it makes me smile. That means you’re out there, busy as always, but you still have time for a bit of silliness.

Thank you.

I asked my kid, “What emoji do you like?” She said, “butterfly.” I blinked because it surprised me. My mom died a few years ago. She loved butterflies. They were embroidered on her T-shirts. They were printed on her pajamas. She even cross stitched them on pillows. They were everywhere.

My kid now wears a jacket that belonged to my mom. In the pocket, she found a handkerchief … with butterflies.

Whenever we see butterflies, we think of her. It’s bittersweet, but that’s ok. That’s love, right?


Yah need to post in here as well … :+1:



Because I’ve been obssessed since I was 3. I was the only five year old girl that I knew who wanted to become a Palaeontologist.
Although I didn’t make it, I have now amassed a large collection of Dinosaur books and other stuff, right from the original film.
Naturally T.rex is my favourite, but I’m hoping to see Dippy :sauropod: at my second childhood home of the NHM in London on Sunday


You need to pick a emjoi here …

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Oops, @Dudeious.Maximus! Well I can try, or learn to read🤦🏻‍♀️.
In that case it’ll have to be a :european_castle: because I love history and castles as well.
And since you loved my Tango ad, this was filmed at Bodiam which is an awesome place to explore


I’m eagerly awaiting who @discobot will choose this time :innocent:


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Ill sort it soon i was at a wedding yesterday and still travelling back a hung over dragon :confused:


Take your time :slight_smile:

The event is just ended we can wait for you as much time as you need.


Uh no, he’s a dragon and I’m a human (I suppose :thinking:)! I don’t have that much time left!

I think DM will announce the winners shortly as Kalevala approaching…
Maybe some Extravaganza will arrive for that too ?

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To our favorite dragon @Dudeious.Maximus

I accidentally found this thread, and it made me smile.

Thank you.

I put “ocean” in the Word Association thread, and someone said “Atlantis” next. I really, really wanted you to say “farming” … and you did.

Thank you.

Even when you drop a zero and reset us, it makes me smile. That means you’re out there, busy as always, but you still have time for a bit of silliness.

Thank you.

I asked my kid, “What emoji do you like?” She said, “butterfly.” I blinked because it surprised me. My mom died a few years ago. She loved butterflies. They were embroidered on her T-shirts. They were printed on her pajamas. She even cross stitched them on pillows. They were everywhere.

My kid now wears a jacket that belonged to my mom. In the pocket, she found a handkerchief … with butterflies.

Whenever we see butterflies, we think of her. It’s bittersweet, but that’s ok. That’s love, right?


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Congratulations to the happy ones :clap:

Thanks @Dudeious.Maximus for doing this, I’m looking forward to the next one we get. Although RNG hates me, so…