S2 1-9 normal double-dosing poison damage when autofarming

I thought my eyes were fooling me, but it looks like S2 1-9 normal might be doubling up on poison damage when autofarming. I was able to get a video of it. It’s near the end of wave 3. However, it’s not letting me upload the video here.

You have to upload the video to a site like YouTube and post a link here. Hope you do as I know many would love to see it :relaxed:

Finishing a wave results in another dose of poison. It looks off, especially if you finish the wave with a special skill. I’m not sure if that’s what you’re seeing. It took me a while to get used to it.

It was definitely two rounds of poison damage at the end of one set of tile damage/specials. I don’t have a YouTube account, but I can Line the video to someone if I can’t upload it here.

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