Royal tabard

Can someone please tell me how to get a royal tabard? I am starting to believe they do not exist anymore and the developers are playing a trick on me. Waiting for them for over a month.

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Essentially Chests, titans, Mystic Vision, and some deals if you spend.

4* mats are difficult to get.


As @King_Nothing says, you just have to be patient.

It will appear at the time u don’t expect. Except on sure thing like rare quest morlovia

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Looks like Morlovia should be around next month. @Mdlosch make sure to finish that quest and you’ll receive trap tools and a tabard for your effort :grin:


I would email you some tabards if I could.

I have gotten 30 in my tenure as E/P player.

Bosswolf, Khiona, G. Panther have eaten 6 each. Quintus (to my reluctance) will eat 6 more… leaving me 6 for (Insert non-Quintus purple here).

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If you believe misery loves company, you could check out this thread

Lack of Ascending Materials?

@zephyr1 thank you for that awesome quick link thread you created!


Also-- I don’t think Quintus is the worst 5* purple if you have a decent supporting cast and a decent mana troop.

I think he will do well on a mono raid with Khiona & Panther.

My mono team will then be: Panther-Khiona-Quintus-CheshireCat-Merlin (or) Panther-Khiona-Quintus-Bosswolf-Merlin (depending on my mood).


I really had one in mystic vision recently oO (26th of April).
Good luck for yours!


Tabards are so rare it hurts :frowning: I don’t need them yet, but a friend of mine was waiting three months and got one in a special quest a couple weeks ago. Just wait it out and you’ll get it!

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Everyone has a rare ascention item that eludes them. For me it is tonics. I guess I’m not allowed to quaff a delightful beverage in my kingdom. On the flip side my wardrobe is full as is my jewelry case. Go figure.

We just had Shrikewood…so your looking out a ways before another tabard will grace your coffers.

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For me it’s rings… I’ve only ever gotten them from Umber. The other 4* mats have dropped at least once each from titans (and a tabard one glorious time from MV!).

When I was a total newbie I found this forum, googling with the exact same query as you @Mdlosch. Got the advice to join an alliance that took down at least 7-8* titans. Did that and now two months later I’m never worse than B on those 8* and the alliance I’m in is great fun with very friendly people.

So - join a nice active alliance that do titans from 7* and up!


You need to rush chests as much as possible. Get on an alliance that takes down 9* titans and score B or better. Do special quests and seasonal events.


@PeachyKeen how do you like B Wolf? Using as tank?

For me, the tank I cannot defeat so I reroll for him.

I used him as a tank for months. He kept me in 2500 range. I take him raiding with mana troops. Solid hero, but couldve been better

Morlovia will return in around 40 days, you can get that Royal Tabard.

@Kitten, I’m right there with you on Rings. I’ve only had 1, and I believe that came in one of those “special” deals SG throws out occasionally. Before and after that I still have yet to see Rings in the wild. I imagine they are on the endangered AM list :wink:


Its available now in the Quest

It’s now available at the Morlovia quest, good luck.