Royal Tabard Conundrum

Simple question (not so simple answer?).

Main roster (all maxed): Ariel, Guinevere, Evelyn, Azlar and Hel.

I have 5 tabards and 4 trap tools, and three heroes at 3-70 waiting: Obakan, Kunchen and Sartana.

Obakan was already excluded, so Kun and Sart remains. I’m inclined to Sart, to flank Guin alongside Hel and adding a sniper in my def team (having Ariel and Guin maxed, Kunchen becomes somewhat redundant, I believe).

Am I right?

Kunchen is a good tank but if you have Guin I’d go with Sartana


Yeah, I know Kun is a great tank (and I have Aegir, Justice, Delilah, Onatel…). Lots of tanks, few snipers.

And additional issue: Hel-Guin-Sart, all wizards. SGG, MOAR EMBLEMS!

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@Bruno82 agree with your reasons for going sartana.

Sartana for sure in your case. Kunchen can wait until later since you already have Ariel.

Since you have Ariel and Guin already, definitely Sartana.

I think I’d go Sartana, too.

But, I usually urge people to think beyond just defense team.

Raid attacking
War teams
Raid tourneys (where colors, skills, classes may be limited)

Who brings the most value across the board for you?

I have the same 3 choices soon. In my case I am going Kunchen for a tank. I have Joon and Lianna for snipers who do well for me. Onatel is my only “Tank.”

But in your case Sartana will fit right in with what you have.

@Kayo, that’s what I usually do. I think about my defense team because it’ll be those heroes who hold my cups.

  • Quests

My team is quite solid until now (my attacking team hovers between 3700-3950, varying with the color of my three-stack). So, for now, it’s a minor factor to decide who I’m going to max.

  • Events

Similarly. I have enough heroes to finish all monthly events (rare, epic and legendary), and I don’t intend to get a top 100 position. It’s finish and get the prizes.

  • Raid attacking

So far, not a major problem. But I lack snipers, so… Lepus and Sartana will certainly receive some attention.

  • War teams

The main reason I keep four Proteus even with Hel. I want to have 35-45 available strong heroes for shuffling my lineups.

  • Raid tourneys

Yeah, need to be prepared for some vetoed heroes.

  • Titans

The reason I made 30 pulls in Teltoc to get Falcon and Jackal. I want to assemble a viable team against every color. Projected teams:

Green Titans: Wilbur (4-70+6), Azlar (4-80+6), G. Falcon (4-58), Boldtusk (4-70+9) and Wu (4-70).

Red Titans: Grimm (4-70), Kiril (3-60 with a jinxed special still at 3), Frida (3-70), Lepus (1-1, intending to max him) and Wu (4-70).

Blue Titans: Evelyn (4-80+4), Melendor (3-40), Little John (1-20), Grimm (4-70) and Wu (4-70).

Yellow Titans: Kunchen (3-70), Hel (4-80), Proteus (4-70), Ameonna (3-60) and Boldtusk (4-80+8)

Purple Titans: G. Jackal (4-50), Gretel (4-1), Guinevere (4-80+5, for I don’t have another yellow with that tile damage yet), Delilah (3-50, despite her minions ruining the speed run) and Wilbur (4-70+6).

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I agree with Sartana. Between Ariel and Guinevere, you already have a decent set of healers for your 5* team, and Kunchen is just another healer and an arguably weaker one at that due to being slow speed. Though his effect is powerful, I don’t think he brings anything new to your 5* bench.

So Sartana should get the tabards imho.



  1. Her game area viability is very all-round.

  2. If you pick Kun your defense team will have multiple heroes who hit more than one opponent and no sniper

  3. If you pick Kun your defense team will have 3 healers. 2 can work on a defense team pretty darn well but IMO, 3 pushes it too far.Especially if your opponent has someone like Perseus or Victor.
    (Edit: but 3 healers can work just fine if one or two of them if one of them is a healer who hits and self heals)

  4. If you pick Kun your defense team won’t have a single fast/very fast hero.

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