Rogue class

In the rogue class whould you level up first? Jackal or Domitia? My thoughts are going to jackal ,but i want to hear more opinions

Jackal for me. Can do something no other hero can, and is too important to be as weak as he is.


For me it’s more a Marjana or Jackal, Kestrel or Jackal question.
If we talk about Domitia, i upgrade Jackal first without a doubt.

But if people want to focus more on defence and doesn’t have greater red heroes in another classes (such Ares in Paladin or Gravemaker in Barbarian), you have to know that both Marjana and Kestrel can be really good and squishy on defence, and even work great on events (alone or paired with Wilbur)

I’m going with Jackal. But i don’t really have any better options. Plus, his defense down to holy tiles is amazing!

So, level up jackal and i will increase is life and is defense.
Thank you

Jackal 4-70-20 with full Def Atrribute would transform him to Kage in yellow