Rise of the Guardians - looking for ex-members

We do NOT Know know why the Leader “Gandalf the White” kicked everyone. I am so Sorry :frowning: :coffee: we opened a new alliance same rules stress free I’m trying to find you I hope you find us everyone misses you.
We named this alliance after the other so you can find us easily today but it will be changed to (Tranquility Cove) soon

Please look for us.

Former members Gandalf kicked us all we are here new alliance زعيم ركلنا كلنا هنا يرجى الانضمام


Why did gandalf kick everyone? How you going to leave that out.

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I hope you are able to re-connect with former alliance mates. GL. If they are forum users you can tag them using “@”. Have you tried global chat as well? I know it’s not a place for the faint hearted, but lots of people still use it.

Good luck :smile:

I’ve also edited your thread title, in the hopes your ex-members might find this thread easier.


I thought I said that yes they woke up everyone kicked. All of us. I was online congratulating everyone for using all their flags. I watched him boot us all and got to yell a little since I was colead

Why we don’t know sorry that was a error he was complaining we killed the titan too fast it had 3 hours left!!! He lost his marbles or something I dunno

Thank you :slight_smile: I found about half


Currently our alliance is called “Rise of the Guardians II” to help them come back

We are still looking for JJdaclown, MrMojoRizn, Slartibartfast, Scorpion, Sniper, Amin, Yasser, Amin, Saba, Mustafa, 1shot, femmefatale, FERRETT

If you moved on that’s understandable of course we all miss you and want you back but Mostly wanted to let you know we found everyone else and we are sorry that he did that :confused:

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Slartibartfast, Bandenx, JJdaclown

3 we are still missing

And some others mentioned above… but getting there thank you to everyone that helped us find ppl.

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