Returning player needs help

Hey all!

I used to play this game years ago and have finally returned and while I was never a try-hard or anything like that, I can see that I’m way behind the current rosters that I’m seeing at my cup range. Anyways after years away, I was hoping that some kind soul could point me in a good direction in terms of some suggestions for a team to build and perhaps heroes to aim for, from the Fated Summoning.

I would like to apologize for the screenshot spam, but this should give a decent idea of what I currently and what is available from the Fated summonings. I aim to fill the bar relatively soon, as I want to buy some summons, while Christmas season is out.

I know that I’ve worked on many heroes at the same time and it might not be a great idea, but I’m here to get help moving forward.

Any suggestions for heroes to focus on (regardless of the current level of the hero)

Any suggestions for a hero to pick from Fated Summon, that could fit into my hero roster or would just be a great pick.

Thanks beforehand! :blush:


List of 3 star heroes. Nordri is also there, but didn’t get the cut for the screenshot.

Current status:

Not sure how much it shows, but some key elements would probably be:

Stronghold: 21
Training Camp: 20 (running constantly)
Training Camp: 18 (upgrading and planning to upgrade for 20 and start constant training)
Remaining Training Camps I consider as flexible feeders training.
Troops: 3 (This I’m considering my new project to upgrade after getting my second Training Camp to 20)
I’ve prepared a craft to 5, for Hunters lounge (when I’ll have mats etc). Currently my highest craft is 10.
Mines: 20 and one is advanced 1.
Farms: 14-15


Welcome back! S1 heroes have become pretty good, maybe very good for 3* 4* with the superior talent. You shouldn’t have difficulty getting their costumes for additional stats.

RT tournaments are a good indicator of the better heroes to work on.

I’d work on the 4* and save your mats while you test out heroes and teams. Many of them are stronger than some 5* when you emblem LB+20.

This is biased but I’d prioritize tarlak, ariel, ratoskyr.
Bump up freya (later tyr if you get their costumes.)

S1 heroes have some excellent costumes so if you get their costumes, they would be worth it for vivica in the Fated Summons.

Some others are cmarjana, c2magni, cLeo, ckadi.

Good luck!


I don´t see any 3 stars? Build a 3 star roster first, that´s the fastest way to improve your loot.

Later 4 stars: Boldtusk, Wilbur, Cillian, Melendor, Caedmon, Kiril, Grimm, Sonya, Wu Kong, D´Andre, Jackal, Gullinbursti, Proteus, Sabina.
You can feed the triplets away and most of the duplicates (maybe keep the 4s healers and Proteus twice)

The 5 stars are of no interest for quite a while. S1 is generally best used as food for Soul Exchange.


When I saw the topic “returning player needs help,” at first I thought it meant “returning players need psychological help.” I’ve been trying to break this habit for about six months now. I always seem to have some in-game currency that I want to spend with a portal that will open two weeks in the future.

Next time the costume portal opens . . . .I’ll spend my last 125 tokens and that’s it. I mean it.

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Welcome back …
But my advice is - please don’t spend any money in this game. Simply progress as free to play only.
For heroes I would focus on:
Nordri, Bane, Candy, Edd, Kvasir, Buster, Namahage, Skrekok, Hawkmoon, Frosty, Karil, Gato, Ulmer, Valen, Gunnar, Noril, Whacker, Berden, Mnesseus, Balthazar, Bjorn, Melia, Belith, Zarel
Boldtusk, Colen, Scarlett, Wilbur, Kelile, Melendor, Proteus, Tiburtus, Li Xiu, Sonya, Kiril, Grimm, Wu Kong, Guardian Jackal, Gullinbursti
Tarlak, Kadilen (hope you get her costume), Onatel

From fated summons….
Skadi, Freya, Ariel

Whichever heroes you choose good luck

Build up your farms, your mines and your storage to max out.
Build up your forge until at least one is lvl.20
Build up your training camps until at least one is level 20 and the other three are level 11

Please also join a training alliance to then ask about new buildings etc


Save yourself sometime and find another game that you can reasonably compete with other players and have fun. Maybe even spend some money in that game but definitely not in this. The boat has long sail and the dollar per satisfaction for this game is like $1 : 0.00000000001 satisfaction

I want to support the recommendation to not spend money on this game. Unless you spend a lot (and that really means, a lot) you´ll walk away dissapointed. It´s simply not worth it, sadly.

This image says it all:

:gem: :hook: :coin: :money_with_wings: :broken_heart:

Feel very welcome to stop by this little F2P corner on the forum The FTP Rebellion. Who wants to join? (Part 2) :houses:

Sorry, you didn´t ask for advice in terms of spending - I just felt like sharing the above, because it´s so easy to fall into this trap of gambling.

Build teams of 3 ☆ heroes first, I´d say - where are those? :slight_smile: They can be ascended quicker, and they do not require rare materials. It´s what I did at least, I built six teams of 3 ☆ heroes, one of each element. It might be overdoing it though, maybe less will do! But they will continue to serve you for a long time, and you need them for challenge events, tournaments and other quests in the future too.

How is your base building coming along, where are you ‘at’ in the game right now? That could help knowing, and make it easier to advice :slight_smile:

Fated Summon - I would aim for Freya, a Fast Minion summoner for you :purple_heart: But that is just me - and I am by no means an expert! :blush: I just found it so helpful to have a minion summoner (Kvasir) early on.

Good luck, and most importantly, have fun :four_leaf_clover:

Oh, and welcome back, of course! :piñata:


Wow you have some nice heroes.

Putting 3* to one side (you should definitely work on these first if you have no 4* mats):

I would work on 4* healers and Proteus first if I had the mats, so that I can complete events. D’Andre, Holly, Sanngrior, Gullinbursti come to mind. I would focus on overhealers first.

I would also focus on Onatel (refer to @Noble_Weasel) because she would be amazing on events (mana control). Then I would focus on 5* healers.

But that’s just me.

Priority for me personally is 5* or good 4* healer; then mana control heroes or good event heroes.

Good luck!


First and foremost, THANK YOU SO MUCH! To all of you! Very much appreciated for the fast and very detailed responds!

I didn’t realize that my 3 stars were of THAT much importance! I guess I saw it as a bit of a gimmick more than anything. But from the great response from you guys, I can clearly see that I was mistaken! And for that reason I’ve tried to edit my original post with pictures of my 3 star hero roster Would be appreciated if someone could take a little look at those :blush:

I also tried to upload a status of my current “Home” with some details about buildings, levels etc. Also a plan for the future. Not sure if it’s a great plan or a plan for failure :sweat_smile:

Based on all the response that I’ve gotten so far, I sense a fairly healthy community, which is a big plus! I’ll definitely try to keep in mind that spending money in this game, might be a big cash-sink! :grimacing: although I decided to do 10 christmas pulls some from the gems I already had, last night. From that pull I got: Richard, Buddy and duplicate Holly, of worth of mentioning. :sweat_smile: Any recommendations for these? I feel like I’ve seen Richard and Buddy in some teams every now and then :thinking:

I’m sorry if this feels like a lame response from my side! But I’m currently on a break from work, so I tried to do something while I could :sweat_smile::blush: If anyone cares to take a look at the new edit, it would be much appreciated!

Last, but not least, thank you all for welcoming me back! :blush:

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Welcome back !

The EP world has changed significantly while you were away.

I wouldn’t suggest spending money till you have settled back into this game, and caught up with the current meta, and only if you want to.

Have fun establishing an EP routine that works for you.


Welcome back. I hope you will enjoy the game.

OVERHEALERS are key right now.
Start with 3* and then with 4*.
Proteus and Wilbur come to mind looking at your non healer 4*s.

From fate I would go for Skadi because minions are big at the moment and probabely will stay that way.

Always feeding same color.
3* heros start feeding with 1* heros until special is maxed. Then finish as fast as you want.
2+* feed at 4+* heros.
Feed doubles or triples to themselves for the added xp bonus.

Good luck and have fun. :+1:

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What is more:
If you want to spend gems, spend them on roster expansion. Now there is no limit of a number of feeders used for one training - so you want to use as many of them at once as possible - best if you can use enough heroes to have a 100% chance of SS increase. But for this you need ~100 free hero slots.
Also because of this, hoard your silver tokens and pull them in larger number when you have your roster full - this way you can artificially increase your roster space (token pulls can be done over the roster space limit).


Welcome back … You are brave!

You’ve already received some fantastic advice on your hero roster. Wtg Forum team! Nothing to add there.

I’d also suggest, if you haven’t done so already, joining a great training alliance that have the expertise in-house to help you optimise your hero roster and develop war / tournament teams. Check out the Alliance Recruitment area on the forum - There are many.

Fighting higher level titans will also give you improved odds at receiving 3*&4*Ascension materials. Something to think about.

GL in your E&P journey.

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Spending or not spending is your decision, even if you spend money on summoning portals, there is no guarantee you get anything useful, but as long as you have zero expectations when spending money you can avoid frustration. Of course even if you do get good heroes, you will never get anything of “real” value, you are spending money on a game, the only thing you get for it is enjoyment. Spend with that in mind and you´ll be fine.

As to buildings:
The advanced house produces recruits like a factory! Upgrade ASAP and keep upgrading as high as possible.
Bring 1 forge to lvl 20, so you can craft all the items. The others to lvl 5 for conversion into other buildings, you don´t need more than 1 forge.
Hunters Lodge is low priority.
Best training camp levels to use are 1,2,11 and 20.
11 is the staple, you can run all TCs indefinitely for very low cost producing feeder heroes.
Pick one of your TCs and run lvl 2 until you run out of backpacks, then switch to lvl 1 until you run out of swords, then switch back to 11 and collect more backpacks/swords. These 2 levels produce feeders faster than 11, but you can most likely not run them indefinitely.
20 is not good for producing feeders to upgrade heroes, but it gives you a chance to produce (low quality) 5 star heroes (you get 1 every few months). The heroes you get there are not really worth upgrading, but they are good to collect and exchange for a good hero during Soul Exchange.

3 stars I would work on: I tried to put them roughly in order of priority, but to have a playable rainbow team I changed the order a bit for instant playability:

Yellow: Kvasir, Candy, Melia (Bane, Kailani)
Red: Skrekok, Buster, (Hawkmoon)
Blue: Frosty, Nordri, (Gato, Gunnar, Karil)
Green: Noril, Whacker, Belith (Zarel, Mnesseus)
Purple: Bjorn, Edd (Chochin, Tyrum)

Keep in mind, the S1s will get much better when you get their costumes, which would then also increase their priority.
Long term goal: Have at least 3 hitters, 1 healer and 1 supporter in each color, so you are ready for all the different 3 star content (mostly events and tournament types, but also as a base to be able to participate in alliance wars) add upgrades/specialists over time.

Welckme back but id say dont return. We are living in the shadows currently.

Come on people, what´s wrong with you? (I just picked this post, but I am really reacting to general negativity) This is just a game, if you don´t like it: leave and do something you actually enjoy, there are thousands of other games to play and a million things besides online games.
You are wasting valuable life time on this, if you don´t enjoy it what´s the point?
I assume the fact that you are still here, means there must be some aspect of the game you still enjoy, so focus on that?
Games are not forever things and the time comes for everybody and every game when it´s not fun anymore. Don´t be bitter about it, that´s just how it goes and it´s not a marriage with children where you have to consider people that depend on you, just take the step and do something different.

I have played a different game for years competitively, eventually it got old when I had reached every goal I ever had, so I left and came here as a form of “retirement”, now I just play along without any plans of ever playing competitively and I am having a blast. In a few years I assume this will get boring as well and I´ll find something else to do.

Anyway all I am trying to say is: Go have a good time!

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Not really. If you can burn 6-7 flasks farming on first province of Atlantis during Atlantis Rising, you are likely to collect enough bacpacks to run one TC2 until next Atlantis Rising.

I would add Balthasar to purple list and Azar to red. And suggest to ascend all Norils you have (maybe later), Norils seem to become a new meta on 3* challenges.
and hunt for costumes for:
Yellow: Dawa, Kailani, Melia, Kvasir
Blue: Gunnar, Ulmer, Karil
Green: Belith, Mnesseus
Red: Hawkmoon
Purple: Balthasar, Tyrum, Bjorn.

You’re right, but also: a lot of people are playing the game for sunk-cost reasons, or dopamine/gambling addictions. The game is really well designed to exploit these two psychological maladies. I am not saying that the developers studied abnormal psychology and use their insights to design this game, but I am saying that the game puts you on a schedule with lots of grinding or spending and occasional small payouts of satisfaction. A lot of people started on a whim and now find it hard to quit. Their time and effort would be better spent on learning a musical instrument, a foreign language, or really most anything else. (A dirty secret: matching colored tiles isn’t really all that interesting.)

So, if many of us are heavy smokers and we meet a friend at the door of the tobacco shop who successfully quit smoking and tells us “I am thinking of starting up again - which kind of cigarette would you suggest?”, it stands to reason that some of us would say: “You know what? If I were you, I wouldn’t do it.” Another passerby might not give the same advice, but each of us can only provide our personal point of view.

In addition to the great advice already given, let me add, since you are returning after a long absence: THERE ARE NOW PORTALS WITH NO S1 HEROES IN THEM AT ALL! Which is fantastic, actually. Until you get your feet back under you, I’d focus on these. They are Challenge Festival, Challenge Festival 2 (now with nifty cool bard heroes), Black Friday (just passed), and Summer Solstice. S1 heroes will always be available from numerous other portals and training camps, and there will always be amazing new heroes coming with the next event, but there are some key support heroes that many may already have, but you’ll still need from these non-S1 portals.

Also, save your EHTs for seasonal portals, if you didn’t already know that. IMO, the best ones are Christmas, Halloween, and Kalevala (new summer event that ran for the first time this year).

I scrolled back up and nobody advised watching MV every 2 hours to get freebies, some of which can be valuable.

Some of the better stuff you can get, apart from gems:
• 4AM
• 3AM (will not be enough for you for awhile if you go on hero levelling rampage)
• Emblems
• Costume Keys (for the Costume Chamber; S1 heroes with minimum C1, some C2)
• Epic XP tomes
• Trainer Heroes or Troops

This can be intrusive on a busy day. I try for 4-5 daily.