Hey all!
I used to play this game years ago and have finally returned and while I was never a try-hard or anything like that, I can see that I’m way behind the current rosters that I’m seeing at my cup range. Anyways after years away, I was hoping that some kind soul could point me in a good direction in terms of some suggestions for a team to build and perhaps heroes to aim for, from the Fated Summoning.
I would like to apologize for the screenshot spam, but this should give a decent idea of what I currently and what is available from the Fated summonings. I aim to fill the bar relatively soon, as I want to buy some summons, while Christmas season is out.
I know that I’ve worked on many heroes at the same time and it might not be a great idea, but I’m here to get help moving forward.
Any suggestions for heroes to focus on (regardless of the current level of the hero)
Any suggestions for a hero to pick from Fated Summon, that could fit into my hero roster or would just be a great pick.
Thanks beforehand!
List of 3 star heroes. Nordri is also there, but didn’t get the cut for the screenshot.
Current status:
Not sure how much it shows, but some key elements would probably be:
Stronghold: 21
Training Camp: 20 (running constantly)
Training Camp: 18 (upgrading and planning to upgrade for 20 and start constant training)
Remaining Training Camps I consider as flexible feeders training.
Troops: 3 (This I’m considering my new project to upgrade after getting my second Training Camp to 20)
I’ve prepared a craft to 5, for Hunters lounge (when I’ll have mats etc). Currently my highest craft is 10.
Mines: 20 and one is advanced 1.
Farms: 14-15