Restoring enthusiasm for long term players

Oh also, that’s a very big dangerous information posted in 2021 sneak peek. If SG plans to add “artifacts” like feature from “Mythwars”… mods can delete my account in the same moment they add it.

For those who aren’t informed, artifacts are like troops, you pay gems to summon them in a different portal and level them up. They add mana generation, critical hit +% and such things troops does.

Of course there are 3 to 5* rarity and u must pay loads to summon and max them. Dont. Count. On. Me.

Anything that adds more trouble and money spending without fixing the current problems first is trash, actually. We have too much to worry and “max your heroes beyond max” sounds an important phrase to worry about.

What’s next? Max gravemaker to 1000 damage over turn on all enemies?
Frigg will do -100% defense down, 1300 ATK points for fast mana with 40%mana bonus?
Cobalt will do more damage? Seriously?

Nothing good to expect from that.

You can read the 2021 sneak peek here: 2021 Sneak Peek! 🆕


At this point a pity counter won’t help, one should have been in place since the beginning.

There is no way to improve your team past season one outside of a lot of $$$.

This is extremely problematic for your main source of accention items, killing titans… Hero’s like Miki are game changing in their damage boosts.

I’m a ■■■■ player, I really should just suicide anyway.

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Ooo tempting

Kidding. I’m kidding.

Valid points. More RNG based paywall power differential would be a pain in the posterior.


Yeah… I read that and I was baffled and then down there it says :
More Quality of Life changes to make playing even more enjoyable? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Maybe hopefully it means that underpowered heroes will finally be buffed for free? Well, I highly doubt that’s the case here.


I’m serious. No way in hell I’ll keep playing if something like that is added. Can’t even max troops because they keep them behind a GIANT paywall, imagine having more RNG things to work on and also create a bigger gap btw f2p and p2w. The game is already enough broken in terms of balance today.

The worst part is, I can’t imagine something good comming from there.

Level 10 specials? Level 4/100 heroes? Another ascension? Artifacts? Anyway… We just wanted something to deal with dupes…

Loved your ideas of remaking VIP and renewing quests, by the way.

The only quality of life changes done recently was the price doubling in my country, which finally made me go 100% free to play. Can’t remember anything else. About balancing heroes… I still have hope but honestly already got tired from waiting. It sounds like they’re more worried about releasing newer events with mega stats heroes and now s4 heroes with 84 innate resistances and 934 bonuses. Not mentioning absurd skills for fast mana being added one after another since Finley were released. While s1 heroes gets even more mediocre everytime they release someone new.



What would it take? Ok lets begin…

  1. Transparency/ honesty from the devs. If they actually did what they promised and not just tell us pretty lies and never actually implement it. Or do it in an absolute disappointing useless way like HA. Also taking beta testers’ feedback into account so actually balances heroes get released and there would be no need for post release nerfs.

  2. Buffing heroes who actually need it. We have so many heroes that just sit in our rosters but we never actually use them because there is simply a way better option. (Mok-arr, Inari for example)

  3. Pity counter in TC, HA and portal pulls. Getting nothing from trainings in 6 months is simply way too much and giving 1 guaranteed 5* every 100 pulls wouldnt make a dent in SGs revenue.

  4. Slowing down the hero and event releases. Way too many new heroes and events lately and most of them are way too powerful.

  5. Buffing AM drop rate. I will get my 6th dart when the shiloh quest comes and it took 7 months, like seriously? Too many new heroes with AM drops remaining the same or worse is not the way.

  6. Actually giving us something that would make 4 and 5* duplicates useful or tradeable and NOT based on RNG.

  7. Get rid of S1 heroes in some portals and add S2s to Tc20 so higher level players could get some value out of tc20.


Almost flagged you for inappropriate content there :rofl:


Imo, just implement a mercy hero, but knowing SG, they would require 500 pulls for a chance at a garbage s1 hero.


Avatars. (Separate post because it’s not really a gameplay improvement.)

Almost all of them are recycled ugly enemies that mostly look all the same. We want our beloved heroes avatars.

We know you want to sell them but something like “kill X hero in raid 50 times” for their avatar would be cool. Most of their faces aren’t for sell anyway.

Costumes artwork is so amazing. S3 artwork is incredible. You’ve got good designers on your side, let’s give them some credit.

There are many pretty 3 and 4☆ heroes in s2 and s3. S4 artwork is a lot complex as well, very pretty until now.

We get Seasonal heroes avatar for completing their missions so why not drop some avatars once in a while for beating TOL and Costumes Quest?

Something simple like an avatar as treat can make us a lot happier.


I’d say that SG has listened to the community, and increased the availability of avatars earnt through game play, such as from seasonal events, and reaching level 100. :sweat_smile: I liked that they just added an avatar for top 1% for total damage in Mythic Titan.

Having written that, I agree with you @Andrie. I’m not a huge fan of many of the S3 farming avatars. Out of the 18 (!) available, there more than a few ugly, even disappointing avatar choices IMHO. :sweat_smile: I know other long term players feel the same.

Can we get a new avatar for win X amount in Diamond raids? What about adding an avatar for killing 500 titans, or even 750 titans? :rofl:

I also like that they include an avatar for POV. What I dislike is that the free POV avatar is normally male. Is it too much to consider switching the HOTM gender more often? That would be something small but appreciated for f2p, and others who do not purchase POV pass.

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And I own both heroes… Oh my! Even though I love my Inari on purple titans for high attack stat, but never using her special skill cause minions waste time on titan (i still have her emblemed, but I’m actually thinking of reseting her), she doesn’t shine anywhere anymore, well she does shine in vfast wars, she’s quite useful there.

It’s really sad, all these changes you mentioned wouldn’t really reduce the profit for devs and they would improve the game for the players…

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How about being able to exchange 2 S1 5* heroes for one of your choice. Been playing over 3 years and still no Liliana

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Of course this is next for SG IMO. In fact, it must be. They got to figure out ways to open those wallets back up for players that have been around for awhile with diminishing spending habits, because, lets face it, they have a massive roster of maxed 5* heroes and have several +20 emblemed heroes. The veteran players need the satisfaction of feeling powerful again. Right now…well…things are just meh for them.

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These have been a mountain of interesting features that have been suggested to add depth to the game. Most recently the idea of caravan raiding was suggested to give players choices about what they do with their bench heroes. It shouldn’t require a lot of additional game architecture, and would ad a new game dynamic for players and NOT being able to use heroes for periods of time.

I’m not sure about fixing wars, raid tourneys, raids etc… In general, because I don’t know how it’s structured now. It seems like some weeks it’s fine, and then for others it’s weeks and weeks of awful. Almost makes me wonder if they group teams and players by past performances and then reorganize them after a round robin of those teams in their pool. Even transparency about that would be an interesting improvement.

I’m not going to suggest muc in terms of summoning, because that’s the SG golden goose. I don’t want a pitty timer that allows you to summon to a threshold and give you a choice about what you get. Say, the first 10 summons on a portal gives you the option of taking a specific 3* hero from the portal, the next 25 summons gives you a 4* hero, and then 70 summons gives you a 5*. That would put a lot more 5* heroes in circulation, which might be a bad thing for people who dislike playing against Black Knight Frigg Odin, because guess which heroes would be selected?

What I would like would be proper emoticons in the in-game chat. The ability to opt players out of wars without booting them. More ways to have fun in the world that they have created.

I want to have fun here. Whatcha got for fun? Whatcha got to mitigate.the headaches? That’s the sweet spot to player engagement.


Thanks for posting this. Took away the need for me to make a long post b/c you basically said everything I’ve been saying fir 2 years. Well done sir.

I’d add 1 major item. A hero reset token. It would reset the hero chosen back to 1/1 but it would return the 4th tier ascension mats.(including food)


May be costume for Ninja heroes to able to fully charge mana with 3 tiles, every players crazy for them and huge buying gems for summoning. Sounds exciting right ? What the… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Just going to throw in, RE: the so-called sunk cost “fallacy”…

It’s not really a fallacy. I invested time and money into this game, thinking that some day I would eventually have a great roster. That was my goal.

Two and a half years later, I have an okay roster. It’s not nearly as nice as I’d hoped it would be at this point, but it’s also pretty damn good compared to what I started with. My goal was to make it even better, and since E&P is “allegedly” supposed to be a long game anyway, I figured I had plenty of time still to do so.

And yes, a part of me still wants to “finish” what I started. I’m tired of picking up random games and hobbies, then getting bored and putting them down before feeling like I had accomplished what I originally set out to do. Call it OCD if you want, but the word “fallacy” suggests that it’s somehow untrue that I would be throwing away all of that time and money invested by simply quitting. It’s 100% true, it would be a waste. The time investment I suppose I could excuse as time spent having “fun” - though a big part of that fun for me was seeing my roster slowly get stronger. The money spent, I cannot excuse. At this point, I have to try to get my money’s worth, or else I have to walk away and conclude that my entire experience here was just a waste of time and a really bad investment. And that’s not a good feeling to have.

Using the logic of the “sunken cost fallacy”, I suppose I should trade in my car for a new one every couple of years… even though I’ll lose thousands of dollars by doing so. Because why bother trying to get my money’s worth out of what I’ve already paid for when there’s a shiny new toy that I can throw away more money on? Just consider that money gone and who cares? Maybe some people can operate that way, but I abhor wasting money like that. Only reason I invested into this game as much as I did is because I expected to continue to get enjoyment out of it for a long time to come. Had I known then what I know now, I would have uninstalled long before spending money and making this game a part of my life.

There will of course come a day when it’s no longer part of my life, but until then, I’m going to milk the game for what little entertainment I can still get out of it, just as they are milking us for every last dollar we’re willing to give them. Eventually one or both sides will decide we’ve had enough, and the servers will go dark, and all of our “investments” will disappear in the blink of an eye, as if they had never even existed in the first place. But I at least want to be able to say that I accomplished something and got some of my money’s worth before it all ended. That sounds a lot better to me than saying “I spent over a hundred dollars and many hours buying and upgrading heroes for a fantasy RPG Candy Crush clone, then just up and deleted it on a whim because I got bored.” What a freaking waste that would be.


Underwild summon: season 1 heroes are the base of all summons with the event or season heroes added to it, we are not planning to change that for season 4 despite some feedback.

Seems like we have to put our hopes oh hold 'till season 5 boys :face_vomiting:

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Well it’s not the “so called Sunk cost fallacy” it’s an actual thing.

Your example of a car is exactly on point. You’ve spent $1000 fixing it and gosh darn it the silly thing breaks again. Will cost another $1000 to fix it and you decide that as you’ve already spent $1000 recently you kinda have to make that spend work out…by spending the same amount again…and most likely again.

You can end up spending a similar amount to what you could have spent buying a new car.

That’s the very essence of the idea. Humans make decisions based on past events. The idea is that you don’t consider the sunk cost and you look at the scenario with a fresh perspective.

Just because someone has spent say $5000 on Empires and Puzzles should not be a reason to keep playing it. That money is gone. The decision to keep playing should be taken on today’s view.

But we don’t do this very often hence phrases like “chucking good money after bad” even existing in the first place.