Reply or post topics

I’m asking for a friend. He’s a member for two weeks and he can’t reply or post topics. He’s been promoted to trust level 11 days ago. Can you please help?
Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

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What’s their forum name?

It’s likely they just need to read more… add a few likes etc

Zoki1971 is the name. He got a message “thanks for spending time with us” and at the end of it it says “start a new topic” but he can’t.

I don’t want to speak about specific account details but will give a generic answer. The account you questioned is linked below.

When a user opens an account, they are trust level 0 (new user). After spending some time on the forum, they become trust level 1 (basic user). More information on trust levels can be found here.

The various restrictions and settings to reach these levels (and others) is described in the linked post above.

If other forum questions exist, the link below is a good place to inquire as I believe all mods monitor it.