Remove/change additional +20% attack for defence team

I use full (all five elements) rainbow teams for farming - every move generates damage and it only takes a little damage to destroy enemies - and for Tavern of Legends - I don’t have to think about what the elements are at the boss stages and I can have the entire team fully charged prior to going to boss level even though they are all different elements.

I will use partial rainbow for most map stages that are not auto-farm (Valhalla, Challenge Events, Seasonal, Events, Trials etc. I try to base this on boss levels and hero synergies - I like costumed Rigard and Proteus for tougher map stages. As with Taverns, I can time it such that I have all or most heroes ready to fire.

That is, like most - the rainbow can be used almost everywhere except for raids, wars and tournaments (especially after release of Telluria)

The start of this thread was so salty!! Wow. Kudos to you for staying so cool headed I’d have been throwing around some obscenities for sure :stuck_out_tongue:

For what it’s worth - I agree with you that this 20% bonus should get looked at. They can check out what a reduction to 10% would do in beta. If it plays well they can bring it out to the rest of the game. If not, scrap it and say “hey we tried.”

I do sometimes use non-mono in Rush Attack tourneys as it’s easier to charge individual heroes and the defense fires quicker.

In whole the entire game has become unbalanced. Go in with rainbow, you don’t do enough damage. Run stacks, no tiles. With all new features added everything has become a choir for the average player. Pvp has become a joke. I dont know if removing the defense boosts is the answer, but something needs be done. I do know field aid makes the defense boosts OP. Playing just events and titans has become boring and there no incentive to participate in any pvp activities.

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In almost all tournaments, some color is not available. You can very rarely use a rainbow there :slight_smile:

In this game there are no PVP - only PVE.

I should have said PVC - player vs computer… :rofl:

Sometimes it seems to me that this bonus appeared like this - “Raids are too easy - we need to add something! How about the enemy gaining mana from any stone? No, this is not enough. And if the defence team is gaining mana just every move? It’s still too easy. And if you add 20% to attack? Now, this is exactly what you need, bro!” And now three years have passed and nothing has changed.

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It’s called PVE - Player versus environment. You fight not vs computer or your phone (another type of PvP - player VS Phone)) :slight_smile: You fight vs environment in this game

What would be interesting - maybe too complicated for average players ? - is if heroes had “defense bonus stats.” So they could use this to offset heroes who are awful on defense teams.

For example, maybe Telly only gets 10% bonus to attack on when on a defense team. But maybe Boss Wolf gets +25%. 4* fully emblemed heroes could get an extra 10% boost so they’d better be able to compete on defense teams. Ya know. It’d be modifiable over time if heroes were dominating defense teams… could keep things fresh and balanced …

But instead … instead we get a flat 20% that isn’t looked at

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Maybe. Or Bronze - 0%, Silver - 5%, Gold - 10%, platinum - 15%, diamond - 20%. Especialy for Telluria something else :slight_smile: And be sure to indicate all this in the game

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I would think the inverse of that might even work, bronze 20, up to diamond at 5%, but who the heck knows :rofl:

Bottom line: It’s being treated as a constant in this game. This gives the devs one less variable to worry about when balancing heroes, and provides a consistent, simpler experience To us the end users … but as a variable, or a changed constant, would potentially balance out some of the ‘not fun’ issues some of us are experiencing in end game content… and it’s a relatively easy place to look for balance adjustments …

I think that there would be much fewer new players with such a scheme, and those who have been playing for a long time have practically no difference what the developers are doing with game :slight_smile:

The constant will only work if all heroes are balanced and do not destroy the game. Unfortunately, there are some exceptions…

What if on attacking side they gave a defense bonus or something to the off color. Rainbow on attack would be more viable an option at 25%. Maybe 5% per. So a 3-2 would be 10% boost, 2-3 would be 15% boost. This would only be if they don’t adjust the defense side.

On side note, what if defense bonus only increase if attackers stack colors? Mono attacking would be like giving defense a 25% boost. Rainbow would be 5%.

Or maybe defense boosts are if they stack colors…

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Way to complicated if you ask me.

They either make the Defender Bonus dynamic which would lower the impact of high emblemed defenses or leave it as it is but make easier to get large amounts of Emblems so one can go deeper in to talents of more 5* heroes.

We face opponents between 4500 and 4700 during wars. In order to minimize the disadvantage statwise you need multiple Teams between 4300 and 4500+. Top spenders with multiple 4*Troops above lvl 23 can reach this with less Emblems.

It took between 12-18 Months for +20 defenses to be normal. At this rate it will take 6 times as much or in other words between 72 and 108 months to have 6 Teams like that so between 6 and 9.5 years.

If this was intended design ok but i doubt it.

Defenses will have a huge advantage for a long time which is totally fine for me as i am happy with 50 % winrates but it isn’t friendly for new players as they will not have any chance to catch up with the train.


I think that any dynamic bonus depending on some conditions being met is the best solution than a constant that applies to absolutely everything (looks like a very bad solution). In addition, such a bonus can be adjusted to the changing game in future. One problem - SGG is focused on completing tasks to make money from players rather than improving gameplay

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Big problem with this:
The attacker has one, very, very big advantage: they get to see the defense team and handpick the heroes.
Also the presence of stacks that cant be ran in defense to the same effect is another salient point.
Also germane to the conversation: there are alot of bonuses the attacker has that you may not have considered. Pretty sure there’s a whole thread on it, tbh.
Dont touch that defense bonus SG.

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Which exactly? 5-10 for example. I couldn’t find similar topic

It’s not an advantage - 1. Any attack team cost nothing w/o shields on board 2. Good roster of heroes it’s advantage for defence as for attack

It seems like, there are legitimate arguments
to keep altering other game content
because of this one thing

I liked defense teams having the edge.
The challenge is greeted with enthusiasm. All this…
Stepping over a dollar to pick up a nickel philosophy
Is a bit comical, and scary! At the same time