Release SH24 (Stronghold 24) 1-2 months before Release SH25

The Alchemy Lab can be used to burn materials that you have in large quantities.
It’s nice to have.
But I will use it little.
I built it to keep the builder busy.
Since I currently have a lot of gems, I am currently using Level 9 (150 gems 7 days) and Level 1.
I’m currently researching level 8.
But it’s more of a pastime than something you must have.


As promised, say goodbye to my monthly VIP revenue until there is a reason for me to use builders again…


  • MT
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Do we get any news about this?

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So bottom line is, as of 25 March 2020, Stronghold level 24 still is not available
Adv Farm: 2
Adv mines: 2
Adv iron storage: 2
Adv food storage: 2
Adv House: 1
Hunter Lodge 1
all of the adv above at level 10
Alchemy Lab level 4

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I’m similar except my alchemy lab is level 8 going on 9. All else is 10.

All done and my builder is not adjusting well to retirement. He has no hobbies. He’s becoming suicidal.

He misses the 2nd builder, who has been let go as VIP will not be renewed until there is a reason to build again.

All buildings max leveled. Nothing for either builder to do now but toggle a Forge back and forth with a Barracks. Unlock SH24. There’s no good reason to keep us waiting…

Well, it’s official.

I’m entirely out of buildings to work on now.



Congrats I destroyed my AL as it was so meaningful and lost case.

Seems like that ought to be worth an avatar or something. :thinking:

I feel no joy nor celebration for this.

As I’ve said elsewhere:

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You can celebrate the fact that you now have more iron available for tornadoes and other items :slight_smile:

I actually don’t use Tornadoes, and I lack Hardwood Lumber to make more Axes and Dragon Attacks that I actually want.

I’m not sure I’ll be able to avoid wasting Iron for long after Atlantis Rises. It’s coming just in time to let me stock up.

But after that, I’ll be out of anything to use most of my Iron for, just like when I was maxed out at SH20.

I use tornadoes and time stop for titans only.
But this is just an example. I would craft anything useful or not just to make use of that iron. Can’t stand seeing that yellow icon above the mines :stuck_out_tongue:

I get it, more like a hindrance to completion than completion.

seems like they could do something for y’all :smirk:

Road Closed avi


Can I hire your builder ? :slight_smile:
I have about 485-490 days remaining work on my current buildings to reach the same barrier for a single builder.

Once SH24 and 25 will be released, then there will be about 218 additional days to work on the additional advanced buildings if we do not count the two new Stronghold levels and the Hero Academy levels.
I suspect these will take about 80-90 additional days.

So it looks like I will not face this problem in the next 2-2.5 years.


I’ll keep crafting as long as I can, but it won’t be long before I lack Crafting Materials to make anything.

Hopefully stocking up during AR will keep me busy until new Buildings come.


I will be the same in about a month.

Since I don’t use battle items much with a stock of most things at 100 to 1000 on a few my iron will start to go to waste as well other than for constant harpoon crafting just to use it up.


My idle builder has set up a tent under my expired VIP button.

I am prevented from renewing my VIP until my builder(s) have some purpose in the game.

Lost revenue for SG every minute that goes by.

Tik tok…


I am also now out of things for my two builders to work on