πŸ“— Regin – 5* Fire / Red from Untold Tales 2

Troops and attack stat scale it. Mine is at 530 in the actual battle, and my troop isn’t matched (though it’s level 30 Lego). Just tested the hit against Diao, Leo, Armand. They all had matched troops, defenses roughly 2100/1900/2100. My attack stat also roughly 2100, would be higher with troop match. Dealt about 1050 to Diao, 1150 Leo, 1400 Armand with the green bonus.

The exact math is posted in a couple spots in the forum as well.


Yeah fair enough, I guess the passive is better than I thought

The hero card is updated with december balance update.

Fought against her a few times and she dies quickly I must say. Her stats say she should be tanky enough, but was able to kill her very easy most of the times.
Not even using blue heroes on her.
Her hit is decent to good in current meta! Priority dispel makes sense. Her core needs a buff though. Compared to other cores, this core type should be buffed. Other cores just have more impact.

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