Reduced Raid Tournament Loot During Work on Matchmaking [Developer Response in Post 334]

I’m thinking of doing the same and as the loot is so bad that it renders success almost irrelevant what have we got to lose.


Not sure that’ll be a viable strategy.

Because if you lowball your defense team and therefore get lowball matchups on offense you will also get a lower difficulty score and thus a lower score overall.

It might be a way to ensure you have a good record but I’m not convinced that strategy will give you the best score or loot.


Found a cool feature in the new raid tourneys, you have to click “Join” to participate. That means I’m not being forced to test their product. Close one!

Twenty free wills.


I mean, it’s inviting sandbagging with this set up. Unless there’s a clear reason to play at a higher level (better loot, better points, etc), then why bother stressing? I’ll take 20/20 again and be fine.

I’m also fairly certain with my troop levels that a pack of 3* will be fine at that level, so might as well.

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I get it, the first tournament was buggy. Reducing the rewards for the second one is the OPPOSITE of what should be done. Wow.


Whiners and complainers ruin things for the rest of us as usual.


So… their idea of listening to complaints about unattainable loot is to make it 100% unattainable to everyone… Not exactly what most people meant by fairness… Well, once again; CONGRATULATIONS to the lucky few who made off like bandits the first raid lottery. Must be nice to play the game for 2 months and get gifted 100 emblems and a bunch of 4* ascension items by luck of the draw. I’m so happy that people who didn’t even put the time in to level one team received the best loot the game has ever handed out and likely will ever hand out. Bravo!


Another classic case of the poor getting richer.


“The difficulty of enemies that the players face at the beginning of the Tournament is now determined by the strength of their Tournament Defense Team.”

How can you call this a tournament then? :roll_eyes:
Should be as random as possible. That would be a “tournament”


You are addicted. You will beta test for free.

You = all who will post afterwards.


I’m a big fan of lowering the loot until we know things are working right. This isn’t a short-term game, so handing out big rewards unfairly multiple times can be quite unbalancing. Better to give us a little something now, and then ramp it back up when all is working right.

This looks like a huge step in the right direction. Thank you very much @Petri and the team for looking at the issues and putting some significant fixes in there. I’m looking forward to giving the new and improved version a whirl.


And i think its nice that they are willing to take this harsh decision, knowing that it’ll cause an outrage. Its for the best, and Im much more confident that they actually can fix this tournament thing.


Lol you need to chill you’re getting too worked up. A feature on a game app isnt comparable to testing a new drug. Also I never said they wouldn’t make money and we are getting something in return, unfortunately not much, but still compensated. All I’m saying is that playing this game last week inconvenienced me pretty much zero and I dont mind playing it again this week to help make it better.


I don’t think the problem was that the loot was too high. I think those that complained (I didn’t, so can only guess) were complaining that some people were getting much better loot on a relative basis even though they didn’t necessarily play any better to “deserve” it.

The way to solve this is to temporarily reduce the differential between high and low tiers. Reducing the absolute loot overall doesn’t affect the issue of perceived “unfairness”.

Disagree to disagree that it was the “be happy folks” that reduced loot.
More inclined to believe it was for the “I just want fairness” crowd, that only seems to want fairness when it benefits them.


They’ve made clear multiple times (AMA, individual posts) that they’re looking for ways to increase loot overall, but so that it doesn’t break the game. I think this really is just temporary.


The decision of making loot worse was really bad. The only thing that didn’t fail to work on last tournament was that.
The fix is very simple, find a way to not limit a player of attacking a 202 points target while someone else gets a 365 points target for no specific and known reason


I’m going to participate as long as it is counted in raid chest.

Perhaps they want to make this tournament as a test for the new matchmaking system.

Just curious, but they have rarity limitation, does it contribute to the reward? Maybe this reward is for max 1* rarity tournament?


I think they went way too far in their reduction. It gives no true incentive to position yourself in the top 1% (less talent emblems possibility than a elemental chest). I think only giving 1- 2% chance at a 4* mat is pathetic. To understand the odds, it’s less than the gem shop ascension mat purchase chance for a 4* mat.

If anything, keep the emblem the same but offer 3 rolls for 4* mats for the top 1%, otherwise there is no reason to get top 1% accept for bragging rights.

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I saw today new distribution of raid loot… is this a joke? :smile: april fools was a few days ago :smile: