RED dilema Ruby, Xiaotu or rubian

Got my rings today but i have no clue who to level first.

-i use ruby a lot already but is kinda effective at 3/70.
-I plan to use Xiaotu on my deffense to replace allucard but then i have no clue if its a good idea

Alucard should be on defense., He is leagues above the other 3 you mentioned.

If you are thinking purely offense, Ruby is an amazing card. On defense she is not as reliable as we want her to be. If you feel you are comfortable with her a 70 then you can continue to use her there.

I like Xiaotu as she is a killer, literally. She lands 1200 damage on her own special with no buffs. Her passive is beyond useful against some minion cards.

Rubian is my current project. His mana steal and share at fast speed is a great skill on offense. He is also a reasonable minion killer. He can be the next project after rabbit.

stick with alucard on defense. do you have 1500 emblems for them? if you do, i would prioritize
ruby - 1
xiao - 2
hotm - 3

depending on your emblem situation that might be the difference maker in which hero to choose


I do have all the emblem its just a matter of wanting xiaotu ou ruby fully leveled and limit broken. So far ruby is already fun so i can imagine she is only gonna get better while xiaotu is not at its full potential at all at 3/70

Just to confirm the above, Alucard is your best def hero, no need for a change there.

Ruby is the absolute best offensive hero of the bunch, I would start with her. 2nd Xiaotu for her amazing passive.

i would do ruby then. i just find the ninjas are a lot of fun to play with because you can decide on the charge and shes just damn good still.

Ok ruby seem to be the right choice i just feel that passive of xiaotu is soo annoying. My raid team has minion and i love them. When i see xiaotu i juste reroll ■■■■ it. I was hoping to do the same to others :stuck_out_tongue: a deterent

but you have alucard on defense and not xiaotu? i wouldnt use a sniper on defense if i can help it. at the end of the day go with who you like to play with, it is a game after all. i just find the ninjas have more strategy and xiaotu is just a suped up sniper. ruby does mana control which is always a plus

Ruby all the way man. He is a great offensive hero.

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Thx all for the input … ruby it is

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I have all 3 and went Ruby first, then Xiaotu. R&N is good but the other 2 are much better.

Ruby with that mana cut is really great to use on attack.

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I have all 3 as well and bumped Ruby first. No regrets.

Ruby most definitely. I know this is blasphemous around here but I actually regret spending rings on R&N. I simply can’t find a good fit for her in any of my raid or war teams, and she basically sees no play at all except in clean ups.

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