Re: Timed Raids. Developers please READ all threads on here and Comment

I ran a test where I just piddled around for a 5 minutes and later up to 7mins. At 7mins I got bored messing around and completed my raid. So it it does kick in it will be sometime after 7mins is my guess. A lot of us in my alliance believe this must for those teams who are too strong to fail. So if you get two super powerhouse teams fighting it could take forever for one to die. Anyhow, Unless you raid takes for ever, past 5mins this timed raid thing really is pointless. But like SMORE said, Devs need to come down here and explain. SMORE how long was your Raid before the countdown started?

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I typically hang around rank 250 to 400 depending on how my raids go.

I’m casually playing and eating lunch, taking my time and have one opponent left and my full team is up. I lose the match. FOR NO REASON.

What are the benefits of reverting back to not having a raid timer:

  • Players can raid in a leisurely manner.
  • Players that have built defensive teams don’t have their teams wasted.
  • Players can spend time trying to pick the best moves without pressure of just making a move to keep things going. (I have come back from some ridiculously dire circumstances by carefully planning)

What are the benefits of having a raid timer:

  • Some kinds of teams, that people have invested real money and weeks in building, are now worthless, and this isn’t really a benefit now is it…

I’ve had the raid limit thing kick in once. Happens if the fight has been going on for many turns, which in my case meant lots of healing on both sides, and not enough firepower to kill the other. A note suddenly appeared at the top of the screen: ALL DAMAGE 110%. Then next turn ALL DAMAGE 115%. And it kept increasing.

(I’ll have both the words and numbers wrong, and maybe even the timing wrong, but you get the gist of it. I should have screen shotted, but I’m an idiot.)

We got to 170% before the raid ended. I think I lost. It was really emotional.

Btw - I think this is a pretty good idea. I once had a raid that wouldn’t end - we ended up with 1 healer left on each side and kept going for more than half an hour before I lost pathetically. That was really emotional too, and it wasted half an hour of my life.

So that is quote interesting. So my only remaining question would be; is based on time or turns?

we still don’t know for sure but my guess is the number of turns at approx. 30 kicks the time on and seems to kick in when you are down to healers only on both side, may kick in at other times but experience is with healers. Brobb I don’t think it matters whether you have a strong or weak team, if your down to healers, it can still be a long battle.
Pretty sure the raid time limit was implemented because of complaints of extremely long battles with only healers left; not a bad idea, just need more information about it works.
If it is turns, just not sure how turns you get in total, if it abruptly ends at say 50 turns and if you have not defeated the opponent. they win. The damage percentage, what is that based on? Developers please put together some information explaining the raid time limit. We have so many questions.

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What Brobb is describing sounds interesting to me. That’s not a timer i would complain about. It doesn’t sound like an actual time limit like the titan battles that force you to “think fast”, but rather something more like a poker tournament where the blinds are constantly increasing to force players out.

I never got a timer or a warning or anything I have all 5 of my heroes up and the opponent has one of theirs at 20% HP, and boom, “DEFEATED” comes up on the screen. Right out of nowhere.

I’m running five damage dealers, no healers, and just had my phone there, screen on, and paused for a moment to talk to someone. It’s ludicrous.

Not rly…In raid no time…pvp and Titan time ist great! but all PvE NO

I took the impression it was turn-based because I saw no timer, there was no pressure on me to make moves quickly, and things only appeared to change after each turn was complete.

However, I didn’t fully realise what was happening at the time and wasn’t paying very close attention, so I might be wrong about that.

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Welp! I’m wrong.

I just tried to engineer another long battle, and a timer appeared. I first noticed it counting down from 4 minutes 30, then I accidentally won the battle and it was gone.

Did it again and got some shots. The timer starts counting down from five minutes:

Then you get a notice that damage is increased. What I should have done is just let the timer run out to see what happens. Instead, I made a couple of moves and accidentally set off a bunch of diamonds that won it.

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I had ANOTHER matched finished and in the bag (they had one hero less than 50% health, I still had all of mine), put my phone done for a moment to finish a conversation, left the game up and screen on, picked it back up to see “Defeated” pop up on my screen. This is ludicrous and inexcusable.

The total lack of transparency and warning for players is unacceptable. It is mind blowing that a person cannot finish a casual raid and will loss without a single bit of warning.

Let me know when a raid energy flask is in my inbox, because I’m sick of this.

EDIT: FYI, I had my phone right next to me on a charger, and the screen didn’t even turn off. How is this reasonable. The ONLY… the ONLY reason I’ve seen it proposed is circular.

“We put a timer on it so long matches wouldn’t be long.”

Uh… no. I’ll take my trophies and a raid flask please.

EDIT: One more thing… this was implemented to prevent “overly defensive teams” from lasting too long… well guess what I was running 5 damage dealers, no healers, and it’s really just screwing over people that stop to do anything in the middle of a match.

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@Penari; Do you stop in the middle of a match a lot?

I am just curious because I have never had the need to do that or I just don’t raid if I am busy. So I am trying to understand your point of view here.

And just to be clear, I voted no timed raids, so I do not disagree with your core point. :relaxed:

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I do on occasion, but to be honest when I do, I’m gone for a while so timing me out is fair. Although, when you’re an obvious winner, the scale should tip that way. I mean 5 to 1 seems some pretty hard odds to overcome, even with an aggressive AI power up metric.

@dafrca yes I do. This is just a mobile game and I play it in the middle of other things going on. THE ONLY thing I do where I pay super close attention and wait till I’ll have no distractions is titan battles. I was pushing close to 220 in global rank, and I’ve had some frustrating losses, but they were my fault.

Losing to an invisible timer is ludicrous.

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Same thing happened to me after I put down the iPad to answer my phone. Same situation: one hero on opposing team left, clearly winning, I was defeated by the invisible timer. Not a good idea.

It’s not invisible. Here’s picture of it.

That’s not on my screen.

So… that being said. There are two things going on here. Either it’s a different version, OR they realized an invisible timer was a stupid idea and put the timer up there in a visible manner, and I haven’t updated yet.

We would know if they’d respond in the forums.

The timer on your screen has not started. When the timer starts, you have five minutes to finish the raid. That’s a pretty long time for a raid.

Here’s are three really radical fix ideas:

  1. Don’t stop playing in the middle of a raid. Or…

  2. If you do stop playing in the middle of a raid, keep an eye on the screen so you can see when the timer starts. Or…

  3. If you stop playing in the middle of a raid and don’t bother paying attention to the screen so you get counted out, then take your loss like a grown up, recognising that you could have avoided this whole situation pretty easily.

What do you think? Just good sense, right?


@Brobb Thanks for being condescending, but you’re wrong. There’s an update for the game to fix this issue. Like I said. There’s no timer in my game, period.

I am quite a grown up thanks. I’m married, I have kids, and when my kid needs a diaper change or wants some orange juice. I put my phone down like an adult and take care of him. I don’t plan on the game suddenly making me lose because of an invisible timer. Let me say it again for you in the back… Invisible

I let one count down, just to see, and I only got the timer in huge numbers on my screen from 9 to 1 seconds left. No yellow note up top, no timer top left.

So yes, it is good sense, and the devs seemingly addressed it.