RaZoR's EDge

YOUR GOING TO WANT TO NAB THIS ONE… It WILL come in Handy sometime
Put together to answer a friends question - don’t want to wast the effort or lose the image in my PC SINK HOLE…

Always taking path of Defense first, Health (HP) second - nice to have a hitter but not what I use them for…

@JonahTheBard @AncientPirate1 @Manathir @PapaHeavy @Pompitous
@FrenziedEye @Guvnor @Kerrang @Mothra @JonahTheBard


Thanks @Razor, exceptional work as always

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Agreed. Passive healers should definitely go Defense/Health on the grid!

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HOTM-38 the joyful NOOR! Meets with Valhalla-5’s SKADI… badump bump dahhhh. ha ha ha

Enjoy your week Players and wear your masks! RAZOR
@Mothra @JonahTheBard (getting tagged again JTB), @FrenziedEye, @Kerrang, @PapaHeavy, @AncientPirate1, @TheSkull, @Lexxtarc


See ROC of the SAND EMPIRE below… @ Class Node Bom(b)


See THOR and URAEUS below… @ Class Node BOM(b)


Dear @Razor,
I love your tool but found that some heroes have not been updated after the multiple balancing that was done.

As example, Crystalis is still showing 150% damage to all, lower corrosive frosth and lower attack down.


I would also re-rate her after the buffs; she is basically doing the same as Morel, but with atk down instead of def down. And on top, she does a lot of corrosive damage and reduces the buff duration, which sometimes makes her basically a de-buffer.

Thanks for considering.

As far as I remember Razor finished his journey with E&P a few months ago.

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ah, didn’t know… Nobody took over?
Telly and RaZoR stopped and the Goat (@Oggiez) is also inactive. Any other sources for gradings? Anchor is not so detailed and accurate, I think.

The last update was at the end of the year! @Razor made a brief appearance on his Line group chat, but I haven’t heard of him making another appearance since. Hopefully, someone will pick it up and update the hero data in the near future. I really miss using the tool! :pleading_face:

It looks like the Hero Utility data will be updated this month! :partying_face:



Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Hero data has been update! Hero Utility is ready for use again! :partying_face:

Thanks @Razor! :wink:

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Is this updated as of Nov. 1, 2022?