Rashan - 5* Fire / Red from Shadow heroes

I’d level him off i got him… But I’d much rather get one of the other covenant options.

Aww, didn’t get vander? :slightly_frowning_face:

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Unfortunately not this time. One day, even if it’s long in the future as a FS or something lol

Still can’t believe they lazily copy/pasted the lame looking 3* hero art from Puzzles&Combat and used it for a 5* Empires&Puzzles hero. And wasn’t this whole secret summons thing supposed to be Cthulhu themed?

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I’m playing with the idea of pairing him at flank with fawn heroes ( immune to insanity) on the wings. Then, if he goes insane he isn’t corrupting your own team.

I pulled a second that i might max. He is sitting at 3-70 currently

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Pulled this guy in the recent Covent Portal. My second insanity hero… other being Abigail (who is sitting at 3.70).

I’m curious if anyone has both and would recommend leveling one over the other. I’ve read through each thread and experimented with Abigail a little and wasn’t all that impressed (though, to be fair, I think she has to be 2LB for those minions to really shine).

I have a deep roster & almost no experience using insanity heroes. This is simply a question of whether either is good enough to commit mats.

  • Level Rashan (leave Abigail at 3.70)
  • Level Abigail (leave Rashan at 1.1)
  • Cave to insanity & level both
  • Level neither or I will regret it later
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Thank you for your inputs & happy gaming! :cupcake:

i am plannin to keep Untold tales heroes on edges, they are immune to insanity, if you got this heroe, build team on base of it if possible, every heroes are useless if we cannot make great team, here frustration comes as we don’t get the heroes we wants.

I have the same dilema and decided to level Sparklight instead. I have Zavinia at 2lb and while sometimes she shines, on many occasions is headache and reason I lost battles that were actually won (Zavinia with just 10 insanity kills her own team, whilst the enemy each with 50 insanity just fire away at me without any issues).

They are fun heroes, but in wars where there aren’t second chances I prefer heroes, that are more predictable.

I pulled Rashan a couple of months ago and leveled him because I had very few damage-dealing fire heroes that weren’t pretty old. I’ve really tried to like him, but he can be incredibly frustrating because of the Insanity mechanic. It isn’t as bad in PVE since I can use cheap healing items to lower the Insanity, but he’s too big of a risk to use in PVP; no healer can keep up with a VF hero that adds 45 Insanity every time he casts his special. If healing over time or healing from minions lowered Insanity, he’d be more useful, but as it is, he’s more likely to wreck your own team than your opponent’s.

I’m glad I didn’t 2LB him, because I’ve pulled several other red heroes since then and basically benched him in favor of safer options.

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It’s true, I was excited when I got him and lb2’ed him immediately. Huge mistake, he applies too little insanity to opponents and too much to himself. Even if he’s vfast, you won’t fire him twice in a battle, it’s too risky.

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