Rare titan bonus prize – how does the chance for the extra loot work? Who gets the extra item?

Thanks I’ll edit the graph. The post didn’t mention 4 mats (and I’ve never seen a 12* titan in my life :slight_smile: )

I have gotten far more 4* ascension items from Mystic Vision than I have from Rare Titans. (6-0) That’s a bit depressing.

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We had a dragon rooster, rare green, and no one saw any 4* mats. We have an Ancient colossus following, and I get Mystic Rings as top hitter. That’s the kind of BS this game deals with RNG :sweat_smile:

I had the tier 9 all wrong. Here is the (hopefully) corrected one:

As pointed out already this is just the NUMBER of ascension material. You will get boots and wooden swords much more frequently than compasses and tabbards.


Great chart—this makes clear the importance of getting to a point where your alliance is hitting 8* or better, and you are getting Bs or better pretty regularly. Getting that third mat increases your chance of getting a rare mat by 50%.

Note that Rare titans give a +1 bump to loot tier, so a rare 8* gives the same loot tiers as a normal 9*.

It’s worth repeating that I’m convinced that the odds of getting a rare mat per slot also go up with Titan difficulty. My alt is usually in loot tier IX through XI; my senior account is in tiers XII through XIV. There’s a marked difference in mats received on those accounts and the self-reported drops from my allies.


Sometimes we face titans that have a special reward’s if you beat them, like Mystic rings and such. Why is it not given to all if the titan is defeated? Why does it only go to the top scorer. I find this unfair, what are your thoughts?

It actually doesn’t go only to the top scorer, it’s just a random chance to get it.

Sometimes one person gets it.

Someone no one gets it.

Sometimes a whole bunch of people get it.

It’s just luck.

These quotes from the posts above in this thread demonstrate that pretty well:


In my current alliance, someone does always see a mat if we defeat a rare titan. It has always been someone with a b or c rating so far. I think it rakes awhile for an alliance to become family enough that people will speak up when they get a mat. Some people are worried jealousy will get the better of other members i guess and don’t admit to having gotten the bonus drop. You also have to be in the alliance when the rare spawns to be eligible.

What I am sure of there is a very big chance that NO ONE of those who participated in the rare titan TO get the extra loot at all.

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Gotten the bonus once. Back in December. Just happened to get another set of darts too.



Pretty insane luck Buddy

What about the special mat for rare titans? Any idea if the odds of getting it change with loot tier like the odds do in the “normal” mat slots?

@Rael think this is still off. Loot tier 14 gives 4 mats so A+ on a tier 11 will give 4 mats not 3. So tier 12+ Titans also need slight adjustment.

Ive heard of no evidence linking performance to the bonus item.

Who gets the bonus prize? Nobody :rofl:

Nah jk. I’ve seen a couple people get it. Never me though, not even when I get the top score. Usually it’s one of the lower ranked people who get it. I don’t think it’s performance based.

I haven’t heard any indication that performance (or titan size) improves the odds of getting the special mat either.

Since performance bumps you up 1 or 2 tiers, except when pushes you into Tier IX (3 mat rolls) or XIV (4 mat rolls), the the difference is probably too small to see/measure anyway.

But odds in each mat roll do improve slowly with tier (like you said) … and when you go up 4-5 tiers, that difference IS noticable.

I guess the better question would be do more people get the bonus 4* mat killing 12* rare titans than killing 5* rare titans?

If there is any difference, that would probably be measurable.

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Has anyone ever gotten the bonus roll when the Titan escaped? The game just says there’s a bonus chance of getting the Ascension mat, so I’m curious if it’s tied to actually beating it.

Yes, people have reported getting the bonus mat on an escape. My guess is that the already low odds are even lower, but our sample size is so small that we can’t be sure.


Cool, thanks for the information.

I understand that anyone who hits a rare titan has a chance at the bonus item. I have not seen anywhere that someone has said what the % is for sure and I am not concerned about that.
My question is do loot tiers help to improve your chances of getting the bonus item? SO if you get Tier 11 are your chances better than Tier 9?

I am hoping with all the data collection on the forum someone may know the answer.

I am tagging smart people I can think of, feel free to tag other smart people.

@Kerridoc @Rook @Razor