Ranvir vs Wu Kong. Experiences so far?

It has been a few months since Ranvir was obtainable, and in that case I’m wondering about your experiences so far. Do you(who have Ranvir ofc), use him over Wu Kong? Or are you still prefering Wu? And if that’s the case, why?
Thank you.

On my alt account I have both Wu and Ranvir maxed and I prefer using Ranvir because of higher defense/health stats, and because of the fast mana speed. Unlike Wu, maxed Ranvir can survive a hit from a 12*+ titan.

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I prefer Ranvir. I only use Wu in wars. Fast mana and his hit is great for following jackal. Plus you can manipulate Ranvir by healing your team before or after he fires.

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Ranvir for speed and direct damage alone. I have White Rabbit at 4-50 right now and I think I will still keep Ranvir on my yellow team and possibly drop Guin.


Wu sits on the bench a lot only to come out for tournaments, but even then he is sometimes replaced by Danzo (not joking).

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I have wu and ranvir on separate accounts - but in the same alliance.
My titan scores are slightly better where ranvir is present because of his speed - additionally you spend less mana pots. But in general - results depend on remaining team members :slight_smile: