Ranvir - Rana - Poseidon or Vivica dilemma

I am all about the math ( see long answer ).

Short answer

Vivica versus Tarlak

Depending on your healer situation, Vivica is a better healer than Tarlak ( and Ranvir ).

Ranvir versus Tarlak

Ranvir is better utility hero than Tarlak, with a bonus single target attack.

Ranvir works better with special skill that attack all. Worse with special skills that are single target or target and nearby. This is a change, snipers missing used to only use 50% mana.

Ranvir is strong versus purple enemies and gets protection from purple tile and protection from purple tinted attacks.


Tarlak works better with single target, or target, and nearby special skills.

Tarlak causes less dents in your walls from throwing your phone.

Tarlak is strong versus blue enemies.


So I would level Ranvir then Tarlak, I like both a lot especially since they are different colors ( looking at you Mother North, Alberich, Zeline and Tarlak ). The only one I would not level is the rumored Miki. Slow AND HP dependent attack buff?! no thanks.

Long answer

Click for long answer


Ranvir has a single target attack, while Tarlak has a very minor Heal Over Time and Wu Kong has nothing. This is more advantageous with titans, war attack, or defense team, but it is still nice when farming, class quests or rare quests. Especially the Druid class quests.


Gambler’s Stance/ Mystic’s Virtue lasts 5 turns versus Martial Prowess 4 turns.


( [Math] Gambler's Stance and Martial Prowess ( and Mystic's Virtue )- Update with Zimkitha and Mother North )