Raids: fair or unfair?

You understand that the team someone uses to attack you is not necessarily the team they used to attack, yes? It’s impossible to know whether your team lost to a team 800+ lower than you – only that their defensive squad is that much lower. These people are dropping cups, so they can find easier raids to fill their Hero Wanted chest.

I find it extremely helpful to think of raiding as a puzzle, not as “beating Fleshpeeler” or “hitting back at the bully”. Each of us has set out a puzzle: our defense team. Your challenge, if you choose to accept, is to “solve” my puzzle by winning a raid against them. Depersonalizing raids in this way helps me enjoy raids more.

If you are having trouble winning raids consistently, that suggests to me that there are some improvements you could make in your strategy. There are three core elements to raid strategy:

  1. Choosing whether you want to accept a raid or re-roll
  2. Selecting your team for the particular raid
  3. Playing the boards skillfully

Clearly #2 impacts #1: as you’re thinking about whether to accept a raid, you’re also trying to imagine what heroes you might bring to carry the day.

@Blaaarggle_Blaa wrote three excellent guides to raiding that really drill down into the fine points. I strongly urge everyone who has trouble winning raids consistently (i.e. at least 50%) to give these a read: