Raids - being matched with players with team power too low or high

@QUEENCLEOPATRA You’re certainly not alone in frustration with raid matches, especially early on in the game. As you get farther in, being matched with stronger opponents becomes less of an issue.

But early on, it’s definitely challenging.

I re-rolled a lot early on. Now I never do — and I win against stronger teams most of the time now. That certainly wasn’t the case for my first few months or so of playing. Leveling up a good mix of 4* heroes really paid off, even against all-maxed HOTM 5* teams I routinely get matched with now.

So if nothing else, I can tell you it does get better as you progress. :slight_smile:

Others have also suggested similar ideas to yours for adjusting matches to be based on player level or team power instead of trophies:

(@Kerridoc @Rook @Coppersky Possible Merge of Topic or closure as duplicate since there’s no master declared)

The reason for the trophy based matchups is the Elo system used for ranking and trophy calculation. You can read more about that here in this excellent guide from @Gryphonknight: