Raiding - Love it or Hate it?

That’s not always the case. That’s probably less the case over 50% of the time. I have seen RNG progressively work the puzzle into the enemy’s favor many times, and I assure you that it is not because of my poor game play. To assume that is naive and vain.

I wouldn’t say I “hate” raids, I like them, but I have to admit they are not my highest priority. When I log on, I attack the titan, use my war flags, complete events/rare quests. If I don’t have much time, I autofarm. Therefore, I don’t always use all of my raid flags, especially when I have already filled the raid chest. I don’t drop cups and don’t go mono so raiding usually takes more time.

When I have a lot of time, I even use a raid flask or two because I enjoy raiding, but it is the last thing I do when pressed for time.
I’ve been playing for 2 years and 6 months, if I had used my raid flags properly, the number of raid wins would have been much higher:


Like Princess said, number of raid victories is not indicative of a player’s abilities. There are people who deliberately flee raids against high cup loss opponents in order to drop faster and fall to the very bottom. I’ve done it once out of very bitter frustrations with RNG losing over and over to teams with 400+ less power than my team. This was before I mastered color-stacking and opponent selection. I went from over 2400 trophies to 0 and slowly worked back up only after a week’s break from raids when I knew no one was going to raid a 3700 team power team with 0 trophies. In my way back up I refused to raid any weaker team for more than 20 trophies. I rerolled for as few trophies as possible. Taking a weaker opponent for over 40 trophies at my level would’ve been classless. So I tried to be as soft as possible on my raid opponents until I regained my spot in Diamond Arena.

With that said, number of raid victories and consecutive raid wins are misconstrued.

I think a great feature SG should implement would be a tracker that indicated a player’s average daily playing time. I have an app that does that already, but if you are recruiting active players for an alliance, it would go a long way in determining activity level.


I beat a 4400+ team power team that was ranked 1312th in the world. And I beat them with a 3800 team power team and didn’t lose a single hero in the effort. I had no business beating that player at all. RNG gave me that win, and it’s foolish to suggest we, the player, are 100% in control of victory or defeat in battles in this game all the time. I’m not saying the game is “rigged” all the time, but RNG will set you up to lose to weaker teams from time to time, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Not all the fully ascended 5-star heroes on that roster will keep you from a 40+ trophy raid loss to a 4-star laden team when RNG has its way. That’s just how it is, and anyone, who has played this game long enough, should know that the Random Number Generator and computer algorithms have a very large influence in this game.

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Raiding you notice the power of RNG, and this is something I dont like to.

Yes, RNG is a very important factor whenever you take on a stronger opponent. Still, tiles alone won’t bring you victory against today’s top defenses.


I agree with that. Not just any group of heroes will get the job done against any given opponent. Puzzle arrangement is as big factor, but so is the hero arrangement, timing and usage of special skills, and which enemy heroes to take out in what particular order.

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I fill my raid chest daily and that’s about it! I may do a raid here and there when i log back on later on in the day for titan quest etc. Depends if I’m at home or not aswell

436 days, I am more raid fanatic:

20.44 raid wins/day (cup dropper)

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After some time, i find it boring, i managed to be several times top 1 in my region and top 10 global. the chest rewards in diamond are 90% of the time bad. atm i just cup drop and get easy kills only to fill the chest in gold or platinum to save time. maybe if people get some kind of reward, like an avatar or a few gems for being in the top at the end of each week or something, raids would be fun.
maybe it’s me, i been playing this game for like a year and 7 months and nothing new to do, i finish events fast, no incentive for raids, season 1 and 2 finished. the only reason i didn’t quit is coz of my awesome alliance mates, the rest is just repeat over and over the same. waiting for s3 so badly.


Wars keeps raids from being boring

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I’m not the one among so many people the OP mentioned…

I don’t hate raiding, but I don’t love it either. I finished up Season 2, Hard several months ago and I’ve only been playing since Margaret was HotM. The chests in diamond are better than the ones in platinum, and I need the food and iron to level up heroes and forge resources for titans.
I’m looking forward to season 3. Farming Atlantis is productive, but S1 8-7 is boring.

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That is amazing bro. Keep it up. I also tried cup dropping recently, for a week. But somehow I was not getting enough practice for the wars because of the easier teams, so I just went back to my normal defense. :slight_smile:


I’m on the brink of 7k wins, I don’t cup drop. I enjoy raiding most of the whole game. Raiding has changed a lot since I started playing. The defenses we face nowadays are just insanely tough… my win ratio has lately gone down significantly, since more and more defenses have + 18 - +19 - +20 talents on legendary heroes combined with lvl30 troops. Before the emblem era, a 3/2 team of epic heroes could take on all but the best defenses available, with a real chance of success… Today, sending 4* heroes against 4700 teams is tactical suicide… Teams with TP close to 4700 require more than a deep roster 5* and a good set of skills to take them out. Killing them requires mandatory good RNG on your side. Take a standard top 10 layout with Finley, Gravemaker, Kunchen, Drake and Kingston, all heavily emblemed and with high level mana troops. You actually have a few turns to take them out, they’ll charge lightning fast and shred your team to pices instantly. Charging your heroes in time to take out this kind of threat requires great board luck. A year ago, the META was maxed 5* defense… now it’s emblems on defense… it will take a while for us to be able to heavily emblem a wide range of attack teams, but we’ll get there in time… I’m curious about what S3 will bring… will the emblem supremacy be replaced by something else?


I use cup drop to fill raid chest, after I fill it and thereby increasing my cup to the point where stronger players attack my defense, I use the following flags to train by revenging them.

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That is a very good technique. Maybe I will give it a try again sometime later. :slightly_smiling_face:

I stand by what I said.

When you fire gems playing mono the replacement gems will be, on average, 80% bad. It’s getting the 20% that are useful where you want them.

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And I stand by what I said.

There are instances where no amount of board manipulation will allow you to win a raid, and RNG will ensure you aren’t allowed to use the special skills you need in order to have a chance because RNG will not give you the tiles you need.


Yes, this is true, but it will happen much more frequently with poor board manipulation skills; and then the players blame the devs for deliberately programming the boards against them. It’s easier than admitting a fault in their gameplay.

Also I said many players, not all. Presumably you are not one of the many.