Raid wins are not counted

One of our Alliance members noticed,… that his wins in Raid are not counted since last night. He already won some fights but it still shows 0/40. He is in player Lvl 29,…so it is not a beginners mistake.

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Just want to make sure, was he the attacker or defender? The number grows for every hero you kill as the attacker. If you get attacked you get no score for kills or wins.

Attacker,…! As already mentioned he is Lvl 29,…he know what is going on… :wink:

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Has he reported the error to SG?:

This has been an issue before for people. I’ve seen several players talking about it (Not noobs, experienced players who know defense doesn’t count) though I think they said it was the last 5 most of the time.

Es ist mein Account. Das Problem besteht immer noch. Es wird nicht gezählt. Vorhin habe ich nach einem erlittenen Überfall 7 siege angerechnet bekommen. Jetzt fehlt wieder einer.

It’s my account. The problem is still there. It is not counted. Earlier, I got 7 victories after an attack. Now again one is missing.