Raid Stats: Telluria Edition TWO

Not at all a derailment! In just over a month and a half, Clarissa has a 1-12 record against me. In no instance was she flanking or winging for a Guinevere or Onatel tank, a fact which I find slightly surprising.

Let’s talk about what conclusions we might be able to draw from that:

  • While it’s too small a sample size to be certain of her win rate, she does NOT look like an elite defender. I’d guess above average territory - V Fast is V Fast, after all. I am drawing this conclusion partly on her preliminary win rate and my impression of fighting against her.

  • Another important data is the sheer number of encounters. Only 13 raids, one and a half months into her release feels low. Generally, if the Diamond arena raiders feels a hero isn’t worthy, they won’t get put into a lot of defenses.

  • Of course, this is kind of a special case, since those Paladin emblems may already have been assigned to Telluria or Heimdall, but I still think that number of appearances is low. Check out the HOTM Prevalence section from my third edition of raid stats. Looking at a stalwart defender like Kingston, we see few had him maxed, emblemed, and ready for Diamond defense in his release month (October). That is common for a HOTM - they don’t really start showing up until a month or two later. But in Kingston’s case we see his number of appearances jump up the next month (and again the next). I’m just not seeing that bump with Clarissa. If she were going to be an elite defender we’d expect to see a Kingston-like bump in her appearance rate right now, which I see little evidence of.