Raid defense help needed (Road to a 3100+ cups defense)

Hello everyone!
I have a wish… I would like to build a defense team which is able to stay above 3100 cups. I am trying around all the the time to find the best possible defense formation and order but I am kinda unable to stay above 3100 cups. I am currently between 3000 and 3100 but I really want to stay above the 3100 mark.

So if there is someone who has much experience in building a good, working defensive team, I would be really happy to hear your suggestions :blush:

My Heroes are listed below on the Screenshots.

If needed, I could also let some 3/70 Heroes ascend :smiley:

Also, I would be interested in why you are using a specific raid formation. I am sure every formation has his pros and cons… One thing I noticed is that the formation “double” is very often used by the Top 100.


Nice choices and the range for cups is a decent place to be … best I can tell from your post I think you are maintaining above average cups. Troops will also make a difference.


Thanks for your reply! I have a rainbow set of Level 29 Mana Troops The second set is between Level 12 and 14 but I am waiting for the 5* Troop update before I continue the second set. Another question is, how are the Top 100 Players keeping so many cups? I know that there are some key Heroes like Luna, Phorcys or Sha which I all don’t own but I have won against such defenses too so I think no defense is unbeatable… But whenever I check the Top 100 I often see the same Players up there. So are really these few key Heroes the reason for staying up there?


There’s a threshold right around 3100 cups. Above this and you’re thrown into smaller pool where there’s a lot of bigger fish. Also take notice of those top 100 players as being logged in alot. So there’s some maintenance going on there.


Yeah, I have noticed this… whenever I get above 3100 cups I get attacked far more often then below 3100.

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The higher you get and that re-roll pool get smaller and smaller and your returns. It’s fun and good experience that can adapt to your wars.


That’s true :smile: Do you maybe have a suggestion which defense I should build with my heroes?

You seem pretty high up the pecking order already so congrats on that. I’m nowhere near that level of cups and have no real desire to be at this moment in time so I’m not sure my specific advice on heroes would be useful. What I would do in your position though is take a look at the top 100 global players, see which heroes they are using and see if I have any of those heroes. If so, put em in.

Best advice I’ve got I’m afraid

Game well (Though it seems like you are already gaming very well indeed) :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:

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Thank you! I really appreciate your reply! I am checking the Top 100 regularly and I also tried to “copy” some defenses but mostly there is atleast one Hero which I do not have :smile:
Therefore I am not really able to climb further and stay there. I am always dropping back to about 3050 cups or something…

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Some nice heroes to build with. Four that stand out for me. Darkfeather,Myoin,Constance,Hippo. Darkfeather needs to either be right up front but preferably rear center in a double formation. Myoin upfront left (classic). Constance buys time with her dodge and her pseudo counter attack. Tinker around with your damage dealers. But DF and Myoin can become the your engine. Log off and then back in see if you gain or loose cups. Make adjustments. There’s a 3100 cup team in there. RNG may say 3000 as there’s some ebb and flow naturally. :slightly_smiling_face:


Alright, I will definitely try to build something with these Heroes! Thank you very much! :blush:

I’m rusty and crusty now but at one time I’d built a global 1 team. And it was built around the double formation. That and Xno was still in his prime. : )

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Sounds great :smile: I personally think that the double formation is the best one. Atleast I see it most of the time when I check the global Top 100…

That and the reverse V formation. Make it’s more difficult to land tiles onto the flanks.

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I have tried the reverse formation a few times now and I somehow can’t really find the pros of this formation :thinking:
I think I prefer the double or standard one…

So I am not sure if anybody is interested but I will share my plan now :smile:

When I opened the game before I saw this:

This pushed me up to 3139 cups and this made me really happy since this showed me that my defense seems to work.

On the screenshot below you can see which defensive team brought me that rise:

As you can see, my Jove has only a Level 14 Mana Troop but I think he is currently my best Hero for this position. Actually I want to put a blue Hero there to have a rainbow team but I don’t really have a strong blue Hitter besides Hippo but in my opinion you can counter him too easy (e.g. Deadboot, Ray,…).

So I have two blue options which are both on 1/1. Celimene or Ceto. Not sure which of these two is better. Of course Celimene has the Bard Bonus where Ceto is fast and deals damage to all enemies.

Feel free to add your opinion and happy gaming! :blush:

Bingo! All kinds of counter heroes and they’re all great on paper. But they still need tiles regardless. Nice team and looks fast. You could power your lights with that generator. :wink:

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Thanks again for your help! I will definitely keep that defense for now. I will also wait a bit before I decide between Celimene and Ceto. Maybe I am finally able to get Ghealach in December :smile:
If not, I think I will choose Ceto…

You’re welcome! Don’t have the other two you’ve mentioned. But do have Ghealach and he’s good. Hope you pull him!

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Congrats! He is definitely one of the Heroes which I would love to have. But we will see what December has to offer :smiley: